“I’m fine,” April said. “Just a little lightheaded there for a second.”

“Let’s get you into the exam room,” Raul said with a concerned look on his face.

“I’m really okay,” April put a smile on her face and reassured him. “I didn’t eat breakfast this morning, that’s all.”

“You didn’t need to fast for this appointment, you know,” he said.

“Yeah, I know; I just overslept.” She blushed and looked into Raul’s eyes. His look of concern was very sweet. “I’m good, I promise.”

Raul echoed all of the same actions April remembered Tricia doing during her first visit. That visit was etched in her mind, though she doubted she’d be able to say the same about this visit.

“Okay, there’s a gown on the exam table. Put it on and leave it untied in the back. Make sure you remove your bra and panties. Dr. Goodfreid will be in shortly; it should be just a few minutes while he wraps up with another patient.”

“Okay,” April said. “Will… will you be in the room with us while he does the exam?”

He smiled gently at her and put his hand on hers. “For the exam part, yes, but not during the initial conversation. If you have anything to share with him confidentially, you’ll have the opportunity to do so. Is that okay?” he asked. “Dr. Goodfreid said that he didn’t think you would mind.”

April smiled. So, Raul knew how Dr. Goodfreid worked. Sitting face to face with him, April could see that Raul was actually better than fairly good looking; he was gorgeous. His eyes were as black as his hair, and his eyes, nose, and lips were in perfect proportion to one another. She looked into his eyes and saw a kindness in them as well. He was looking right back into hers, and she found herself wondering what he was seeing in them. His hand was warm on hers, and she wiggled her fingers subtly.

“Okay,” Raul said, breaking the energy between them. “I’ll let you get changed.” His voice was soft and he stood up, smiled at her, and left the room.

April sat for a moment, then stood to change into the gown. She picked it up; it was the same flimsy material she remembered from her last exam. She removed her clothes, remembering how fast she had moved the last time to get out of her clothes and into the gown, afraid the doctor would walk in while she was changing and see her naked. She snorted with laughter. Heaven forbid he’d see me naked, she thought.

She slid her arms through the gown, feeling the breeze from the open back on her ass. She hadn’t worn socks this time, so was completely naked except for the gown. She sat on the edge of the exam table, nervous with anticipation, waiting for Dr. Goodfreid and Nurse Raul to come back into the room.

Chapter Three

“Hello there, April,” Dr. Goodfreid said as he entered the exam room. April smiled and felt herself growing wet and incredibly turned on. In the six months since she’d seen him, Dr. Goodfreid had gotten hotter, though April would never have suspected that to be possible. The image she had of him in her mind, an image she thought had been burned into her brain forever, had been cheating her. It hadn’t captured the brightness of his hazel eyes, or how the smile lines and the lines at the corners of his eyes made him look incredibly distinguished, even though he was likely only about thirty-five years old.

“It’s very good to see you,” he said.

“Hi, Doctor,” April said. She felt the vibration of her words all the way to her clitoris, which woke up at the mention of the doctor. She squirmed on the exam table, trying to do it subtly, but Dr. Goodfreid noticed nearly everything with those hazel eyes.

“You look like you’re ready to go,” he said, smiling. He stood directly across from her and only about a foot from her widened knees as she sat on the exam table. If he took a step forward, his hips would be between her knees… April let her mind drift to this possibility.

“I’m definitely ready, Doctor,” she said in a low whisper. “But, I have to say, I’m not sure I like your new nurse.”

Dr. Goodfreid chuckled. “Yes, I’m sure you think it’s a slight downgrade from Tricia. But, this is a one-time only thing; Tricia will be back the next time you come in, I promise. In the meantime, do you have any questions or concerns from a medical standpoint?” He stepped away from her and sat on the stool at the computer on the desk in the corner.

April answered all of Dr. Goodfreid’s questions regarding her health, her weight gains (“It looks like you added padding in all of the right spots,” was his comment), and her sexual activity.

“Are you currently sexually active?” he asked. Instead of keeping his eyes on the computer as he asked this, he swiveled on the stool and leaned back, his back against the wall, looking at her. Studying her.

“Yes,” she said.

“Are your current partner’s male or female?” he asked.

April hesitated. Tricia didn’t exactly count as a current sexual partner… “Both,” she answered. “Though only male as of lately. The last two months or so.”

“And was there just one female partner, or more?” he asked. He crossed his arms and watched her, his eyes locked on her own.

“Just one,” she said. “A very good one.”

“And do I know this female sexual partner of yours?” he asked, a playful smile at his lips.

“Intimately,” she responded. She could feel the flush of arousal rising not just in her cheeks, but in her entire body. Her chest felt like it was on fire, in the best possible way; she felt the heat crawling from her core all the way to the top of her head. The gown suddenly felt cool against her skin, and the fabric lightly brushed her erect nipples. She shifted to force the gown to sway slightly, and shivered at the sensation in her nipples.

“That’s what I thought,” he said. “I thought there was something more between you. I’m a little disappointed that you didn’t invite me to play along when you two engaged in your… extra-curriculars.” He looked at her as though it was a question, not a statement.