“I know it,” he answered.

He encouraged her to hold on to him and to swing her leg over. Summer placed her hands very timidly on him. Wilson very quickly adjusted her hands to wrap around him. Summer’s body pressed up against his. It was a luscious, wicked windfall.

Summer loved the way Wilson smelled. The mix of the night air and the hint of the shampoo that he used was so pleasant and arousing. Pressing against him was like pressing against a hard table. For a moment though, it occurred to Summer that she was out the back of a bar with a strange man. She was complete mercy as he pulled out onto the street.

With each tip and swerve of the bike, Summer’s insides pulled. It was so erotic. That and the humming of the bike turned her on. The way the longish sweeps of his hair lifted in the wind as the bike cut through the night was also spectacular. Despite how the night began, with her storming out of her parents’ house, the moment was perfect. The last hour or so, absolutely perfect.

The distance to Summer’s house was not that long. They were in front of her place very quickly. Wilson slowed the bike, balanced it with his feet. In the front window, lit up by the bright lights of the living room, were the outlines of Summer’s parents, deep in a heated argument. Summer thought she would die. She did not want to go inside. Fortunately, Wilson wasn’t rushing her. They idled quietly. The voices of her parents battered the night.

“Those your folks?” he asked with mild amusement.

“Yep,” she replied tensely. “Any chance I can get a ride back to Rowdy’s? I’ll just come home later.”

“And how will you do that?” Wilson asked sternly.

He was beginning to sound like one of her parents.

“I’ll take a cab,” she replied.

Wilson craned his neck around and glared at her.

“When is the last time you saw a cab around here? It’ll take an hour at least for one to get here and I am not sure I like the thought of you getting in the cab with some stranger,” he said.

Someone in the house threw something breakable. The crash rent the air.

“You’re a stranger,” she reminded him.

But he didn’t feel like that. She could feel him react to her remark but he didn’t say anything.

“I don’t care. I am not going in there,” said Summer. “Take me to a motel.”

Wilson arched his brow.

“Do they get physical? Is your mother in danger? Or your father for that matter?” he chuckled.

“No they just get super loud. I wish one of them would kill the other,” Summer grumbled.

“Hey,” Wilson chastised sharply.

Then he softened his tone.

“You are quite correct. We are strangers. But I promise you, you can trust me. If you really can’t go inside and since I am not sure I trust you not to walk off again, you can crash at my place. It’s not far from here,” he said. “In fact it’s practically around the block.”

“Well,” she smiled inside the helmet. “That’s mighty neighborly of you.”

Summer felt like an alien talking to him with the helmet.

He gripped her arm firmly. “I say it again. You can trust me. But if this happens again, you are not to go off with the first guy who gives you a ride. And you are not to go to Rowdy’s again.”

Wilson started up the bike again and once again they were off. Summer didn’t care if she never went to Rowdy’s again - for nightlife; she intended to apply for a job there -- but riding off with Wilson was surreal. It was like a sweet movie come true. She was a grown up. She felt so adult. She was filled with adult feelings. As her thighs gripped his hips, Summer realized she ached for him. She wanted him. And when she got to his house, she was going to seduce him.

Chapter Three

Summer tried to imagine what sort of place he would keep. As they sliced through the street, she pictured a house maybe with roommates. But Wilson lived in an efficiency. Her surprise must have shown for he answered a question without her having to ask it.

“I am divorced,” he said. “It’s been a while. But she wiped me out. What can I say?”

Summer lingered at the entrance of the apartment. She wondered who on earth would leave him? He was so handsome. So cute. She thought, just by the way he took charge of things, he was pretty smart.