“If you say yes, you’ll never want for anything, Bridget,” Jack whispered, staring intently into Bridget’s eyes.

Bridget could feel her heart racing as she stared at Jack. She almost didn’t know what to say. Once more, it all seemed like it was coming straight from a fairy tale. Before she had proper time to truly think about it, Jack was crashing his lips against Bridget’s and kissing her as hard as he could. He had never been a gentle kisser, but Bridget didn’t mind. Jack was all teeth and tongue, and it was such an incredibly refreshing change of pace from the guys that Bridget usually hooked up with.

“Get on the bed,” Jack growled as their kiss separated. It was hardly a question, and Bridget found herself following the order without a single question.

This was something that she had been dreaming about for the past night. She wouldn’t lie, the image had been in her head before, but now it was in front of her and it was real. Bridget couldn’t sidle herself up to the headboard quickly enough before Jack had shut the door and gone over to the bed as well.

“Just one simple word, and I can get you out of that crappy apartment,” Jack crooned. He was palming himself through his pants.

Bridget honestly didn’t see any other answer. She nodded, and Jack crashed forward once more. This time, his hands joined the fray. Without breaking the kiss, Jack managed to strip the two of them down to their very last layers. As their kiss broke, a thin, shimmering trail of spit connecting their mouths, Jack tore off his shirt.

Bridget only had a moment to appreciate the sight before her before there was suddenly a far more distracting presence pressing against her innermost depths of her body. Jack’s thick fingers seemed to know exactly how to work, caressing and pressing in all of the right places over her clit and passing over her hole.

“The best food money can buy, I’ll pay your student debts, I’ll do anything for you,” Jack promised. He used his other hand to casually stroke his cock to full hardness, and it made Bridget flush even more as an obscene moan slipped past her lips. “You can live here with me, and you’ll know the meaning of being royalty. You can be with Angel all day long.”

“You promise?” Bridget breathed, looking up at Jack with wide eyes. He didn’t seem like the kind to lie to a woman, but Bridget was still having trouble believing that all of this was real.

Jack, clearly, was upset by her answer. He continued to massage the pads of his burning hot fingers all through and over her hole and over sensitive clit. “I’m not lying,” Jack promised. “There would be no reason for me to lie to you, not when I’ve been going mad about you.”

“About me?” Bridget parroted, and a sudden press of Jack’s first finger into her hole had her throwing her head back and letting out an obscenely loud moan. Bridget wasn’t certain how Angel wasn’t going to hear them and wake up, but she trusted Jack’s better judgment.

“When I first saw you, I knew that I had to have you,” Jack breathed. His hand around his cock was growing sloppier, his movements jerkier as he spoke. “You were gorgeous and amazing, and Angel loved you. Angel rarely loves anybody.” Jack paused for a moment, watching Bridget’s face as carefully as he could. Her expressions were beautiful. “I rarely love anybody,” he concluded.

The questions and objections were forming on Bridget’s tongue faster than she could bother to get them out. It didn’t help that Jack’s fingers were working magic on her. She barely even noticed when the first finger was withdrawn, and instead replaced with the head of Jack’s thick, leaking cock.

“Love?” she asked, tears forming at the corners of her eyes.

Jack, rather than giving Bridget a true answer, pushed into her. He groaned at the tightness all around him, and Bridget gave him a string of nonsense and curses in return. Jack grinned, loving the way that Bridget sounded. She was utterly wrecked beneath him, a moaning and groaning mess that he wanted to watch and wreck for as long as he possibly could.

As soon as he was all the way in, Jack pulled out and then pushed in again. Immediately, his pace was hard and fast. Bridget, although a normally sweet and gentle kind of girl, had no objections. Jack’s whispers were in her ear, encouraging her and telling her what a good girl she was. He told her how beautiful she was, and just how lucky he was to have her.

The pleasure spreading throughout her system began to boil and bubble in Bridget’s gut, and she knew that she wouldn’t last long. Jack was in the same boat, and as Bridget’s body tensed around him, Jack came as well. Bridget could feel him emptying his load inside of her, taking his time to milk out the very last drops of it into her body.

“Love,” he breathed, exhausted and worn.


QUINCY, A Bad Boy MC Romance

By: Emily Lovell

QUINCY, A Bad Boy MC Romance

© Emily Lovell 2016 – All rights reserved

Published by Steamy Reads4U

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