Bridget twined her fingers together, waiting on the edge of her seat for the reply. The last thing she needed was to have Maggie’s father’s eye on her now that she knew about Angel. It would be a huge target painted on her back, and she dreaded it as much as she dreaded meeting the man himself.

There were a few short words from the other line.

Maggie’s eyes went wide, and her jaw dropped to the ground. Her excitement so great that she couldn’t contain herself, she stood up immediately and pushed her chair out behind her.

“Really?” she screeched, a wide grin on her face. “Thank you so much, Daddy! I’ll let her know right away! Love you, kisses and hugs, bye, Daddy!”

With that, Maggie hung up the phone and sat back down.

“What was that about?” Bridget asked.

“You’ve got yourself a job, Bridget,” Maggie beamed.

Chapter Two

Bridget knew that Maggie was trying her best to comfort and assure her that the job was in the bag, but Bridget wasn’t so certain. For an entire afternoon she had cleaned up her hair and her makeup until she was certain that she looked absolutely perfect. Even then, she went in and touched up even more. There was no sense in falling short on her appearance. A man like Maggie’s father would no doubt judge her for every single mistake that was on her face. She didn’t even know what the interview was going to be like, but she dressed up for the occasion.

It was something, when she was in high school, that was drilled into her head over and over and over again. If you go to an interview, look nice. It doesn’t even matter how crappy the interview was. If it was for a fast food restaurant, you dressed up just as nicely as you did for an interview that would absolutely change your life. It was something that wasn’t questioned.

Maggie had arranged for the meeting with her father to be halfway through the week, at a time when Bridget didn’t have classes. Even though the meeting wasn’t until five thirty that night, Bridget made sure to show up early. The last thing she needed was to create a bad first impression on the man. She needed this job to work out, especially at the rates that Maggie had been discussing with Bridget. It was all too good to be true.

At five o’clock sharp, Bridget showed up at the address that she had been given. At first, she had thought that the most powerful company man in America lived in an apartment. At least, that was what the building looked like from the outside. When she gave the name, Jack Gordon, she was escorted right away through the elevator and to the top floor.

It was as impressive as anything she had ever seen. The carpets were plush with thick, red carpeting, and the ceiling was gilded gold. It took her breath away as Bridget took small steps towards the only door just a few feet in front of her. Did this Jack Gordon own the entire top floor?

Figuring that that was the only sound answer, Bridget tapped on the door with the knocker, and then took a step back. There wasn’t a response at first, so Bridget waited patiently. If she seemed too over eager, Maggie’s father would judge her harshly.

When the first sound of a deadbolt unlocking hit Bridget’s ears, she pushed down her skirt and smoothed it around her knees.

She was expecting to be faced with a towering man, looming in the doorway. Instead, Bridget had to turn her eyes downward, about halfway to the floor.

“Who are you?” the young girl asked. She had stunning black hair that was pulled back into a messy ponytail. Her eyes were crystalline blue, and her face was round with youth.

“I’m Bridget,” she replied. “I have an interview with your father. Jack Gordon? I’m here about babysitting you,” Bridget explained.

Angel looked Bridget up and down, and crossed her arms. “I don’t need a babysitter,” she said.

“I’m sure that you don’t,” Bridget said. Most kids thought that they were old enough to be left on their own, she was used to handling the attitude. “But your father asked me to come anyways. Just in case I would be the perfect fit.”

“Angel?” a more masculine voice called from inside the house. “Who is it, cupcake?”

“Some strange lady,” Angel called back, not turning from the doorway to reply to her father. “I don’t know what she wants.”

Bridget furrowed her eyebrows at Angel. She had just told the girl what her intentions were! The last thing she needed was for an overprotective father to think that she was some creep. Speaking of the devil, Bridget could hear the pounding of footsteps inside of the apartment. Was she meant to call it a house? It certainly seemed like a house.

“Get away from the door!” Jack ordered.

He maneuvered Angel to the side and stood in the doorway with his arms crossed. Bridget nearly fainted. In front of her was a man that she had not been expecting at all. She had been expecting Jack to be old and overweight, like all of the pictures of businessmen that were online.

He was anything but that.

Chapter Three

“Who are you?” Jack snarled, keeping his body as a blocker between Bridget and Angel.

Bridget had never once thought of herself as a threat to someone, but it was all too clear to her just how Jack felt about her. He was not happy at all. He would rather she be dead, judging by the absolutely evil look that he was giving her.

“I’m Bridget,” she said, trying her hardest not to stare at Jack.