“Alright, I’ll hold all of your calls.” I smiled at her and closed my door.


“Yeah, I’m still here.” Charles said and my nerves started to get the best of me. “This morning was awkward as hell and I’m sorry about that.” He was right, this morning couldn’t have been even more awkward even if I planned it myself.

“Yeah it was.” I said trying to force the lump down that was trying to situate itself in my throat.

“I hope that last night won’t change our work relationship.” I was glad and somewhat angry that Charles still wanted to work together, but how could he still go through with his marriage? I wondered if he was going to tell his German bride-to-be about what happened between us and I shook my head and sighed. Of course he wasn’t going to tell, but then again is it really cheating if he’s never even met the woman?

“Of course not. I told you that I would make your wedding the best wedding that Montana has seen in a long time.” I told him the exact same thing as I told my other clients. “I won’t let last night effect our professional relationship. I expect to see you Monday afternoon, goodbye Charles.” I said and hung up the phone. I didn’t wait for him to say anything because I felt that if we had spoken longer I would have eventually broke down and started crying. I placed my head down on my desk thankful that Karla wouldn’t be able to see me. “Get it together Stephanie,” I told myself over and over again. I refused to let what happened distract me from my daily duties. I had weddings to plan and coordinate.

Chapter Five

“Can you lock up? I’m not feeling well.” I tried all day long to give my all to my work, but when two came around, I just couldn’t focus. “I’m waiting for a package to be delivered, can you sign for it for me? You can leave afterwards with full pay of course.” Karla’s face lit up at the sound of that, but I could tell that she was still worried about me.

“Of course. Yeah I can tell that you’re not feeling well. I hope you feel better soon.” I gave her a small smile and walked out of the door. Honestly I just wanted to go home, grab Ollie, and go to sleep. I knew that I shouldn’t have allowed what happened with Charles to affect me so much, but I couldn’t help it. Sex can really change someone’s perspective of someone, especially when you do it with someone you have a strong connection with. I sighed and opened my car door. I just needed to focus on my wedding planning business. I’ll recuperate at home and by Monday morning I’ll be good to go.

Since I left work earlier I didn’t have to fight through rush hour traffic so it didn’t take me long to get home.

“Ollie!” I called out as I walked through the door and he ran to me. I smiled when he jumped over my legs and licked at my pedicured feet. “Come here.” I said and scooped him up into my arms. Even though Ollie was a German shepherd, he was still a puppy. Ollie was going to be my medicine this weekend because he wouldn’t judge me for crying my heart out. He’d love me no matter what and stay by my side. He snuggled in my arms and I kissed his soft fur as we walked into my bedroom. It’s been a long time since I had an afternoon nap and right now I could use one. I lied down with Ollie still wearing my sexy lavender chiffon suit and thought about Charles one more time before I fell asleep.

When I woke up it was dark in my room and Ollie was nowhere to be found. I stretched my arms over my head and got out of bed. I quickly stripped off my clothes and went into the bathroom to take a shower. Once I was done and warmly wrapped in my towel, Ollie made his way into the bathroom and barked.

“Who told you that you could leave me?” I said while laughing. I knew he was hungry, hell I was hungry. I dried myself off and put on a robe and walked into the kitchen. I poured food in Ollie’s bowl and took some left over steak out of the refrigerator. Unfortunately as I ate my steak I started thinking about Charles. I couldn’t get over how much different Charles looked in a suit compared to his normal “cowboy” get up. He was so laid back and easy to talk to it was no wonder that we slept together. Our attraction to each other was undeniable, but he had a woman already.

“Is it honestly cheating when he’s purchasing a bride?” I asked as I bit into the delicious meat. Charles definitely had a good head on his shoulders, but why the hell was he doing this? I’m actually surprised that he’s not embarrassed about the set-up because from what he told me everybody knew. If I was him I don’t think that I could respect Joanna enough to promise to spend my life with her. I know I kept telling myself that it wasn’t any of my business, but I loved Charles and if he’s that lonely he should just be with me. I’m not desperate or anything and I wasn’t in a hurry to marry him like he was with this woman, but he owes it to himself to go out with a woman who he’s actually spent time with.

“Policy or not I need to talk to him.” I stood up and walked over towards the table in front of my door that housed my keys. It was against my policy to interfere with the lives of my clients, but I couldn’t let him marry this woman. I know that I’d be losing a client and money, but losing someone you cared about was much worse. Just as my fingers was reaching out to pick up my phone, Charles’ familiar name went across my screen.


I agreed to meet Charles at Nicki’s, a cute little diner, over breakfast to discuss something important with him. Last night when he called, Charles didn’t even let me speak and he sounded frantic about something. The only thing he told me was we needed to speak urgently and that it couldn’t wait until Monday morning. He was running fifteen minutes late and I was starting to feel a little anxious.

“May I get you some more coffee ma’am?” An attractive waiter came over and smiled at me. He’s been checking up on me every five minutes since I came in and I wasn’t oblivious to the fact that he was attracted to me.

“Yes, thank you.” I said politely and he nodded his head and grabbed my mug. As soon as the waiter disappeared out of sight I saw Charles rushing in through the door. I stood up nervously and waved my hand to him. He saw me and quickly walked over to me and grabbed a seat.

“I’m sorry that I’m late Stephanie,” Charles said as he took off his signature hat and placed it on the table. “Traffic was bad and I really didn’t get too much sleep last night so I woke up late.” He said and I saw his face flush. Wow, was he thinking about me last night like I was thinking about him?

“It’s alright.” I said with my voice shaking a little. “I didn’t sleep that well last night either.” I watched Charles fumble in his seat and I was starting to grow a little more concerned. I’ve never seen him this way before and it was shocking to see him clearly uncomfortable.

“Hello sir, may I get you some coffee as well?” the waiter asked looking over at Charles. The waiter’s face didn’t have any of the softness that he had for me and he seemed a little annoyed about Charles arrival. I wanted to smile because I knew that the young waiter was jealous, but I was worrying too much about Charles at that moment.

“Yes please,” Charles said and looked up at the boy. “I already know what I want. Can you bring me a steak omelet with some toast?” The boy nodded his head and wrote down Charles order on his scratch pad. I ordered some bacon and eggs and the boy smiled brilliantly at me and said that our food would be ready shortly. When he left Charles stared straight at me. “Joanna is flying into town Thursday night and wants our wedding to be held on Friday.” My face flushed when he told me that.

“What?” I said in disbelief. “She’s arriving ahead of schedule and we’ve already booked Mystique for your wedding venue for August! There’s no way I’ll be finished in time for Friday.” I was shocked that the woman was coming into town sooner, but her expectations were impossible. There are still things that needs to be done that can’t happen in several days.

“I’ve called Mystique and their allowing our wedding to be held on Friday. All I need for you to do is to maybe speed up your process a little bit. I’m willing to pay you extra for this too, Stephanie.”

“Charles,” I said as I stared into his torn face. I thought that maybe he wanted to talk about what happened between us the other night. I couldn’t believe that he was actually trying to go through with this woman’s crazy demands. I didn’t even care about the extra money he was willing to pay me, I had to tell him how I felt. “I don’t think that you should do this.” He raised his eyebrow and narrowed his eyes.

“Now I know that you think that you won’t be able to do this, but I’ve seen your work. Have a little more confidence in yourself.” I shook my head. That wasn’t what I meant and I needed him to understand.

“No, I don’t think you should go through with this marriage.” I finally said and he stared at me blankly. “Look, I don’t know why you decided to go with the whole ‘mail order bride’ option, but I think that you deserve better than that. What happened between us the other day was amazing and even though I’m not trying to marry you, it’s way too soon, but I think we have a connection.” I blushed and stopped when the waiter came back over with our food and I looked away from Charles as he stared at me. “Thank you.” I told the waiter and he smiled for me.

“Enjoy the food.” He said to me before he walked away from us.

“Stephanie, I’m not a man that goes back on what I decide to do. I’m stubborn. Always have been and always will be. It’s in my cowboy blood.” I looked him in his eyes then and I felt my face beginning to flush. I began picking at my food then trying to force myself to eat. “I understand how you feel and if I would have known you first, then I probably wouldn’t be going through with this. I’ve messed up once and I don’t want it to happen again. This wedding is going to happen Stephanie and I need you to plan a gorgeous one.” There was nothing I had to say to that. I kept my eyes on my food and we ate in silence.