“I shouldn’t be out too long, but don’t wait up.” I laughed at myself as I talked to the dog like he was my teenage child. Just when I looked myself over again in the mirror, my doorbell rang signaling that Charles was here. “Here goes nothing.” I said to myself as I made my way to the front door. I looked out the peephole and I saw his familiar face looking equally as anxious as I felt.

“Hello Charles.” I said as I opened the door and his eyes went wide.

“Stephanie, is that you?” he asked and I lightly blushed as his eyes hungrily ran up and down my body.

“Yes” I said and I laughed trying to ease some of my nerves. “You look amazing.” I told him as I looked over his attire. He had ditched the cowboy hat and vest and in its place was a nice suit with his jet black hair lightly blowing in the wind. He definitely looked like he was going on a date instead of a business dinner as well. “Did you want to come in for a moment?” I asked him when I realized that I just left the man standing on my steps. He shook his head and looked uncomfortably away from me.

“Not at all, you can come right out.” I grabbed my purse and closed the door just as Ollie came running towards the door. “You look beautiful as well, Stephanie.” I grinned at that. I knew that I was a beautiful woman because I knew how to carry myself, but it was always appreciated when someone told me that I looked good.

“Thank you.” I said as he led me to his Chrysler 300. I didn’t know why I expected him to drive a pickup truck just because he wore cowboy gear. Looks can be deceiving I guess and I felt bad for basing his vehicle on a stereotype. “Nice car.” I said to him and blushed when he held the car door open for me.

“Thanks, Joanna actually suggested that I buy this car because she saw it in a magazine where she stays at. I like the car because it gets me to where I’m going.” I frowned at the mention of Joanna’s name. I saw a picture of her, she was pretty with long brunette hair and she was slim. She almost looked like a supermodel. She didn’t seem like a woman that would get Charles’ heart racing. The way that he was looking at me earlier, I could tell he liked his women with a little more curves. I cursed myself for being jealous of a girl who I hadn’t even met. These last few weeks that I spent speaking with Charles did something to my mind that I didn’t like.

“Well I think it’s a great car.” I said again as I tried to force my mind to stop thinking about Charles’ mail order bride. “So where are we going?” Charles glanced at me and grinned.

“To a crab shack!” he grinned and I stared at the side of his face in too much shock to say anything. Did we really get dressed up just to eat some fish? “I’m just joking.” Charles chuckled and I couldn’t help but to laugh as well. “I found this place called ‘La Fleur’ it seems like a nice place to take a lady. I’ve never been personally.” My eyes widened in surprise. La Fleur was actually a pretty high class restaurant, not to mention a go to place for guys trying to impress their women.

“Wow, La Fleur is actually a pretty good fine dining restaurant. I’ve been there once or twice, but it is expensive. You sure about this?” I asked him. I was impressed that he went through the effort to take me to such a classy restaurant, but I didn’t want him to break his pocket for me. “Wait…” I said as a thought crossed my mind. “You sure you want to go there? That’s a place you should take your fiancée.” The word “fiancée” tasted sour as it ran off of my tongue. He shook his head.

“Don’t worry about that. I’m taking you to show you my appreciation.” He reached over and squeezed my thigh in a reassuring way and I felt the electricity from his fingers shoot up my thigh. I was unable to fight back a gasp as the electricity moved its current around my moistening centerpiece. I blushed when I saw him glance over from the corner of his eye. I thought he was going to yank his hand away from me after he noticed that his touch had me flustered, but he didn’t. He lightly squeezed me again sending another current throughout my body right before he pulled his hand away. I saw him glance at me again from the corner of his eye and I could tell that this night was probably going to get a little more interesting.

God, I don’t know what I got myself into, I thought as we drove through the city.

Chapter Three

“You sure you want to eat here? It’s a little on the crowded side.” I asked once the waitress seated us. She kept smiling at Charles and he gave her one polite smile but he kept his gaze on me.

“Of course,” he said as he shifted in his seat. The chairs were a little small for his muscular frame so I knew that he must have been feeling a little bit on the uncomfortable side. “I aim to please and tonight I wanted to do something good for you.” I blushed when he gave me that little smile that he did that made my heart beat faster. We’re here to discuss his wedding plans, I said to convince myself that talking about his wedding was the only thing I wanted to do tonight.

“So do you have any plans for when Joanna finally moves in with you?” I asked even though I really didn’t want to. I had to try to keep our meeting a little professional and get out of my own fantasy world.

“I mean, there’s not really much to plan.” Charles said and shrugged. “I like to see how things work out instead of preplanning them. That way if everything goes south I won’t be disappointed.” Well that was definitely one way to treat the situation. I mean he was going to be living with a stranger. Personally I felt that the only way he could avoid being disappointed is if he called off this whole mess of an engagement. I loved money don’t get me wrong, but this man was too gorgeous to ruin his life like this.

“Well I’m sure that everything will work out for the both of you.” I lied. What was I going to do? Tell the man the truth? In all honesty it was none of my business what he did in his life.

“You know what…” Charles began and I waited for him to continue. “Let’s forget about the wedding for now. Tell me about yourself.” I looked at Charles for a long time. I couldn’t believe that he said that.

“Well… where shall I begin?” I said before I went into my story of why I decided to be a wedding planner.


I swear that we were in the restaurant for hours before they told us that they were closing. We were drinking and laughing and I had to admit I had a really great time getting to know Charles.

“Stephanie, you’re something else.” Charles said smiling as he held the door open for me. I grinned at him as I slid into the car and he closed the door.

“You’re something else too.” The way that me and Charles was picking at each other once the tension left the atmosphere, one would have sworn that we’ve known each other for a long time instead of just a few weeks. “I can’t believe you used to sing Karaoke as a teen. You do not look like the type of person to do that.” I laughed and he started up the car. I honestly didn’t want to go home because I wanted to talk to him some more. I found him to be entertaining and very full of life.

“I can’t believe that you didn’t. I guess you’re lamer than I thought.” We both laughed. I felt like we were teenagers the way we were poking fun at each other. When we finally pulled up in front of my house, I was a little sad that our night had come to an end. “You mind if I use your restroom before I head out?” he asked me as he unfastened his seatbelt and turned off the car.

“Sure.” I said and I exited the car. I was a little wobbly from the drinks that we had, but I was far from drunk because I could hold my liquor quite well. We walked side by side to my doorstep and I pulled my keys out of my purse. Once I had opened the door I waved Charles inside. “The bathroom is up there to the right.” I said as I turned away from him to close the door. Once I had closed and locked the door, I turned towards the direction that he had went and was surprised when his lips met mines. My eyes widened in surprise because I was definitely not planning for him to up and kiss me out of the blue. I looked over to the corner that Ollie slept in and I was glad to see that he was knocked out and once I was sure that he wouldn’t wake up, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back.

“I’ve wanted to do that ever since I saw you in this dress.” Charles said with a husky voice. My chest was rising and lowering quickly. “You just looked too sexy for me to keep my hands and lips off of you.” He said and I brought my lips back to his before he could say anything else. We kissed long and slow and it was very sensual. I forgot that he’s a client of mine and that he’s engaged. The only thing I cared about at that moment was his warm mouth on my mine. I reached my hand up to his face and stroked his chin.

“I’ve been thinking about it too.” I bit my lip as a blush spread across my face. He was looking deeply into my eyes and at that moment I thought about what he would feel like inside of me. “Want to take this into the bedroom?” I asked him. I knew what time it was and I knew that he did too. He was definitely about to spend the night with me and we could think about the consequences afterwards.

“Took the words right out of my mouth.” He said and grinned. “Lead the way Stephanie.” I inhaled deeply because I was feeling a little nervous. I turned away from him and walked in the direction of my bedroom. He moved in close to me and I could feel his hard-on pressing against my back. That short walk to my bedroom felt like hours and my heart was racing with need. “Hurry up.” Charles whispered from behind me when I hesitated to open my bedroom door. I don’t know why I’m so nervous all of a sudden when I was the one who invited him to bed. I opened the bedroom door then and he pulled me to face him and crushed his lips to mine.

“Mm!” I moaned as his tongue tangled with mine. I could feel every fiber of my being igniting with heat as my hands shot up to grip his hair. I was attracted to him and he was attracted to me and we both knew what we wanted. His hands were everywhere on my agitated body. They were on my hips, my ass, my waist, and my arms. I thought that he was trying to discover each and every part of me.