“Oh, you love it baby.”

Finally, she was done drying her hair and she walked over to him. He took her hand and pulled her down to the couch next to him and she made herself comfortable, resting her head on his chest as they spooned horizontally along the length of the couch.

Hannah was mostly concentrated on the movie – even laughing at the corny jokes that they threw in between – but it seemed that she was the only one with her mind solely on the movie. Slowly, she felt Nick’s hand creep up underneath her t-shirt and his lips dipping down to slowly kiss her neck.

“I thought you wanted to watch the movie,” she told him, shivering a little as his lips caressed a particularly sweet spot on her neck – which he was completely aware about and was now exploiting it to its full potential.

Damn, this guy is good. Hannah thought, as she felt her attention slipping away from the movie and settling on the person next to her.

He mumbled something incoherent against her skin and then his head bobbed upwards, “I intended to, but I can’t help it if you’re more than a little distracting,” he said to her in a low voice, breathing in the scent of her. She always smelled so good and it was hard for him not to just cuddle her up at all times of the day.

She laughed, “You really should not start something you will not finish,” she teased, as his hands snaked further up her shirt – stopping when they were called out like a boy getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

“Who said anything about not finishing?” he replied back and then resumed his ministrations with his fingers now gliding over her exposed breast, grabbing at it slightly but not so much as to not be too harsh. But Hannah was thoroughly enjoying herself as she let out small sounds of encouragement and then grinded up back against him in response, causing his jeans to tighten more than a little.

“Oh god, stop,” he breathed out, frustrated by her hip movements, “Actually, don’t,” he said and suddenly, he had flipped her over so that now he was now on top of her. His cool minty breath fanned across her face and the sensation of it was enough to send her into a dizzying haze.

“Nick,” she whined and adjusted herself beneath him, “Can you – just,” she spluttered out her words, her mind always was an incoherent jumble of words whenever he was in such close proximity of her.

“Relax, babe,” he told as he reached over to discard her shirt over from her shoulders. Other articles of clothing were soon to follow and soon they were bared out to each other in flesh – this felt so natural to them as they had been in this exact same position more times than they could even keep track.

“Shit, Nick,” she breathed out as she felt him push into her suddenly, “God – keep doing that,” she told him as he finally picked up a steady pace and rhythm.

He did not answer and instead just took both of her hands and pinned her on top of her head as he worked in and out of her. Hannah threw her head back in ecstasy – she was feeling unlike she had ever before with him. Perhaps it was the release of all the pent up passive aggressiveness she had kept from him for the past few days but whatever it was, it sure seemed to be working.

Because they had started dating so early on in high school, the both of them did not get to explore a lot with many partners. Hannah had only slept with one other person besides Nick so she knew she did not have a lot to draw a comparison on but she knew that there was no one that understood her like Nick – he somehow always knew he right moves to make, the right spots.

And right now, he was reading her body like a map whose coordinates were a language that he was fluent in. He knew just when to pace himself with her, never being so that it seemed like he was doing all the work and she was just lying there. No, this was a mutual activity.

“Hold tight, babe,” he told her as he exerted himself one last time. And soon, they were both lost in sweet release. Hannah felt her eyes close back as she recovered from the immense pleasure she had just experienced and he rolled off her. The last words they muttered to each other were a cheesy proclamation of love before the both of them drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 5

The morning of Hannah’s bachelorette weekend had finally arrived. She had woken up a little earlier to catch her flight to Las Vegas. Having made sure that everything was now packed and in its place, Hannah dashed over to her room to see Nick still sleeping.

She watched him from the door arch for a little while and examined how sleepy he looked – it made her heart flutter to think that this man had chosen to spend the rest of his life with her and how lucky she had been in this position.

She contemplated waking him up but then decided not to – he deserved to sleep in today. But right before she was leaving the room, his phone started to buzz. Not wanting the sound to wake him up, she darted over to it and hastily grabbed it in her hands.

But right before she could press the little button to put it on silent, she noticed that she had just received a string of text message. The words flashed on the screen.


Hannah bit her lip, staring at the screen for more than a few seconds. What business did Samantha have texting Nick this early into the morning and that, too, in abundance? She wrinkled her nose and then, against the better part of her brain telling her not to do so, she clicked on the unlock button and opened the thread.

Sam: Nick! I hope you’re excited for 2night ;))


Haha Trevor said he will one up me on arrangements


hey wake up already :((

you’re going 2 luv this

I’m so exciteddddd ughh ;))))