“Like what you see?” he grinned at her, causing her to snap out of her trance.

“Zip me up,” she chose not to answer and instead just gave him the directive. He chuckled and walked to her obediently, his cold hands reaching over to the top of her zipper and his eyes fixated on the small metal latch to pull it up.

Hannah watched him in the full length mirror before her, gazing at him appreciatively.

But before his fingers pulled up the zipper up all the way, he dipped down his neck to leave a kiss at the spot and then covered it over with the zipper, causing a small shiver to go down her body.

“You are beautiful,” he said to her.

She turned around to wrap her hands over his shoulders, leaning in to nuzzle his shoulder, “you flatter me,” she said.

“And you deserve every little bit of it,” he said in conclusion, “Now are we ready to leave?”

She stole once last full glance in the mirror. Well, her hair was in place for once and Nick thought she looked beautiful. So perhaps it was time to go.

She nodded and took the hand he had held out for her, admiring the stone on her finger as she did so. She never got tired of looking at the ring – to her, it was the perfect physical representation of their love and she loved to show it off to the world proudly.


The restaurant itself was quiet quaint in aesthetic and Hannah could hardly wait as she waiter brought their food to their table. Samantha sat right across the table from them, flicking her hair to a side as she retold one of her stories from her semester in Europe.

“Ah, those men are great,” she humble bragged, “Honestly, you two; I really admire the way you have stuck together with each other all these years. I would have never been able to do it!” she said.

Hannah exchanged a surreptitious glance with Nick bur Samantha remained oblivious as she carried on speaking. “Just – it’s amazing. I mean, I used to get tired of a man after a month with him – which is great because Europe has a lot of men,” she said, laughing at her own anecdote.

“Well, we’re pretty happy the way we are,” Nick told her politely with smile and turned to look at Hannah, his smile widening into a goofy grin, “When you find the one – you just know.”

Hannah looked back at him and returned his grin, “Yeah, I guess to each their own,” she said, addressing Samantha.

Samantha looked between the two of them and an unrecognizable hint of an expression flashed her face. She then returned her gaze to her own plate.

“You know,” she said, taking a bite out of her meal, “I may have had my fair share of experiences with a lot of men but somehow, it makes each encounter all the more intense. I remember every single one,” she said and for a fraction of a second, her eyes flicked over to Nick as she said the words.

It was a brief exchanged – so rapid you could have almost missed it if you were not paying enough attention but it was enough to suddenly make Hannah lose all her appetite. She gazed back at Samantha, who had gone back to eating as though nothing had occurred just now and then Hannah looked back, who seemed oblivious and probably actually was in reality.

With a raise of her eyebrow, Hannah regarded Samantha was scrutiny. Did this mean that Samantha still remember the time she was with Nick? She did not know too many details of their relationship but she knew that Samantha was the person who Nick had given up his virginity to. They had dated for two years before Samantha broke it off with him only to hook up with his best friend but six months later, she had wanted him back. But by then, it was far too late as Nick had already met Hannah and was too smitten with her to pay Samantha any regard.

Still, Hannah wondered if Samantha still had some latent feelings for Nick. The thought oddly upset her more than it should. Suddenly, she pushed it away from her head and decided to focus on the present moment instead of conjuring up new issues in her mind.

“It’s the same with us,” Hannah finally replied, staring her dead on, “but with us, we are each other’s constant. So it is more a series than a new episode each time,” she explained and Nick laughed at her analogy.

But Samantha only had a little polite smile to offer them as she went back to taking another bite of her food.


“Honestly that was completely out of line,” her raven haired best friend remarked the next day as Hannah recounted her events from the night before to her, “she was probably either trying to rile you up or seeing if she still had a chance with Nick – both of which of course, have a zero success rate.”

Hannah pursed her lips together and then nodded, “You are right,” she said, “I am not affected by anything she says. Honestly, I do not even mind that she comes to the wedding all that much. But just – this morning I saw that she had texted Nick.”

This piqued the interest of Hayley, “Texted him?” she asked with a raised eyebrow, “That’s weird. Did you see what it read?”

Hannah shook her head, “No I didn’t want to be that girl,” she said with a laugh, “but her contact name has been saved under ‘Sam’.”

“Girl, if you won’t, I will!” Hayley said quickly, “Ain’t no boy good enough to mess over my best friend.”

“Hey, he hasn’t done anything,” Hannah quickly came to her fiancés’ aid, “I trust him – it’s her that I am vary of.”

“You want me to step in?” Hayley offered, “I could give her a straight talk – where you lack majorly.”