Soon, they were far too occupied with each other to talk.


A week had passed, and they had spent every night wrapped up in each other’s arms. They tried to hide their lust at the office, but every chance they got they reached out to touch each other.

Lucas had taken to wearing his shirts untucked to help hide the erections he seemed to get just from looking at her. Christina had taken to wearing panty liners to absorb the moisture that flowed from her whenever he was around.

They didn’t talk about their parents or their future or work. When they were together, they were just a man and a woman reveling in each other’s existence. And it was pure bliss.

* * *

A few weeks later, the internship at Pearl came to an end. Christina was sad to see it end, but she was excited about all she’d learned and the relationships she’d forged during her time there; one relationship in particular.

She didn’t get an offer to come onboard after graduation, but she did get a glowing letter of reference from her boss and the promise to help her find a position at another company when the time came.

Christina spent most of her time at Lucas’ apartment now. They were practically inseparable, and had drawn even closer now that they weren’t working together. Perhaps one day they would share their joy with the rest of the family.

She stopped by her apartment to pick up the mail the day her internship ended and found a beautiful card in the box from her mother. The card read:

Sometimes it doesn’t matter how you meet someone. It only matters that they entered your life for a reason. Life is strange like that. Don’t let fear stop you from doing what it takes to be happy.

We love you both,

Mom and Doug


2. Stephanie & Washington,

An MOB Romance

By: Emily Sharpe

Stephanie & Washington,

An MOB Romance

© SteamyReadsPublishing 2016 – All rights reserved

Published by Steamy Reads4U

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

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Chapter One

“Is there a specific theme that you want Mr. Washington?” I asked Charles Washington as he walked back and forth in my small office. His wedding was in a month to a woman who offered mail order bride services. The woman is due in a few weeks from Germany just in time for their wedding.

“Joanna told me that it didn’t matter what type of wedding we have as long as it happens.” Charles said as he finally sat back down in his seat. I can tell that the wedding occupied a lot of his mind and that he wanted everything to be perfect. I reached my hand across the table and placed my hand on top of his. His dark eyes met mine then.