Carter joined them, slowly getting the herd at ease. When they were ready, he and the ranch hands took up positions around the herd, ensuring not to squeeze them and began the slow movement up the slope. Some stopped to graze and Carter patiently waited and then nudged them on by riding towards them. When they saw him trot back, they raced to catch up with the herd. His mind strayed to Stephanie. He felt no attachment to the child in her belly. If the child was his, should he not have felt stirrings of emotion for the child?

Throughout the morning, his thoughts alternated between Stephanie and Melanie. He pictured Melanie sitting quietly in the library, a book on her lap, and failed. She liked to be outdoors, that much he knew about her. Wanting to spend the day cooped up in the house told Carter that she was hurting far much than she let on.

At one in the afternoon, they finally had the herd settled and the troughs of water standing in the pasture replenished with fresh water. Something had been nagging at him all morning and then like a bolt of lightning it came to him. He and Stephanie had not slept together in over two months.

It was suddenly imperative that he knew how far gone she was in her pregnancy. Carter whirled his stallion around and took off at a gallop towards Hoss’s ranch house. He tethered his stallion in the small wooden fence and entered the ranch house without knocking.

“Hoss!” carter called out.

Moments later, Hoss showed up at the landing and peered down at him.

“How far along is Stephanie?” Carter asked.

Hoss looked at him puzzled. “What?”

“How many months’ expectant is she?”

“Two months. The doctor said so,” Hoss replied.

Carter punched the air. “It’s not my child. I haven’t slept with Stephanie in over two months.”

A ghost of a smile appeared on Hoss’s face. Carter turned around and jogged to the ranch house. He had to tell Melanie!

“Where’s the fire?” James asked.

“It’s not my child. Stephanie is not carrying my child. I must let Melanie know.”

Carter ran into the house and straight to the library. The room was empty, the walls echoing back Melanie’s name. She must be in her room; Carter thought and bounded up the stairs. Melanie had the guest room at the very end of the hallway. He rapped on the door impatiently.

“Melanie,” he called out.

There was no answer and unable to bear the waiting any more, Carter pushed open the door. She was not there but what alarmed him was the wardrobe doors stood flung open. He entered and registered a sweet scent of the flowery perfume that Melanie favored. Her clothes were gone! Carter stared unbelievingly at the empty metal hangers.

“Oh no!” he said out aloud.

He turned back dejectedly and saw the folded sheet of paper. He sat down heavily to read it.

Dear Carter,

I write this note with profound sadness. I have left for Ohio as I don’t feel that you and I are compatible for marriage. Our values differ as do our sense of justice. I cannot bear to stay at the ranch anymore and you may think writing the note an action of cowardice. Maybe it is. It’s far better for us to part this way. I wish you all the best and I implore you to do the right thing by Stephanie. After all, she’s carrying your child, your heir.


Melanie Marriot

He let his head fall to his open hands. She was gone. His Melanie was gone.

“I take it she has left,” James said from the doorway.

Carter did not look up.

“Then what are you still doing here?” James continued. “Shouldn’t you go after her?”

“The train is probably out of the state by now,” Carter said, his voice raw.

“The last time I checked, Ohio was still in America. Go after her Carter. Melanie is a great girl and she sure as hell doesn’t deserve you, but she loves you.”

Carter thought of his brother’s words. It was stupid to give up without a fight.