“I thought so. Now how about we call him ‘Spirit’?” she said.

Carter made as if to give the matter some serious thought and then he nodded.

“Yes, it does suit him.”

They smiled at one another, and his heart pounded faster. She was damn attractive! His gaze lowered to her mouth. He wanted nothing more than to kiss her. Her features had initially told him that she was a quiet sort of lady, which he hadn’t minded, but he could see Melanie was far from quiet. He helped her mount and then mounted his stallion.

They moved at a slow pace, and he let Melanie take in Crab’s Creek. He supposed it was a little shabby through a person from the East but Carter found himself hoping that she would like it.

“I like it,” she said thoughtfully. “There’s so much potential for growth. In five years Crab’s Creek will be one of the largest towns in Montana.”

“I agree,” Carter said, pleased by her verdict. “In fact, we’re working on that,” and he went on to tell her about the cattle breeding system they were trying to use.

She nodded. Carter shyly added that he was the group representative and tended to travel a lot looking for support from state legislatures all over Montana.

Melanie looked him up and down without a trace of embarrassment.

“I can see why?” she said and then urged her mare to a gallop.

“Some woman!” Carter said to himself, before cantering off after her.

She was a strong rider and she did not stop once to rest. Sometimes they slowed down and spoke.

“Are you an only child?” Carter asked.

“Yes but I always longed for siblings,” she said a wistful tone in her voice.

“It’s not all joy you know,” Carter said in a dry tone, thinking of his brother’s betrayal.

With Melanie there, it did not hurt as much. He had stayed out of Hoss’s and Stephanie’s way since then. He assumed they did the same for he hadn’t seen either of them in over two months. He was not bothered about his brother’s non-involvement with the ranch anymore. Between James and himself, they were doing pretty well keeping the ranch going.

“Tell me about your brothers? They live at the ranch too don’t they?” Melanie asked.

“Yes they do, though they have their own ranch houses. There’s James, whom I would say, is more like myself. And then there’s Hoss.”

Melanie chuckled. “Is that the black sheep? I hear every family has one?”

Chapter Eleven

Already Hoss knew her body intimately, Stephanie thought, moaning softly. She was lying on her tummy and Hoss was breathing on her ear, tugging at her earlobe and planting kisses all over the back of her neck. She could feel his hardness pressing against her rear. He sat back and massaged her shoulders.

“You’re tense,” Hoss whispered.

Stephanie mumbled, his comment momentarily distracting her from his hands. She was tense; that was for sure, ever since she had gone to the doctor a week ago. Stephanie still could not bring her mind to accepting what Dr. Graham had told her. She had gone to see him due to some nausea and even retching on some mornings. She closed her eyes tightly now. Oh God! She was pregnant.

Hoss’s mouth nibbled on her back and quivers of desire ran down her back. Stephanie thrust out her body and breathed deeply. Hoss took the opportunity to slide his hands under her body and he gently lifted up her hips. He ground himself against her. Stephanie groaned, evidence of his desire driving her wild with her own arousal.

“Shall I stop now?” Hoss said suspending all movement.

“Please Hoss, no! I want to feel you,” Stephanie whimpered.

He slid his fingers up the insides of her thighs. Without warning, he flipped her around and proceeded to kiss her stomach. He gripped her thighs and pried them apart. Stephanie moaned as his tongue connected with her button. She pulled his head hard and he obliged by licking harder.

Stephanie had never experienced such immense throbbing pleasure before. His painter’s fingers thin and slim, delved between her thighs. Stephanie gasped.

“You like that sweetheart?” Hoss asked.

She groaned in reply, her mouth unable to utter a reply. His fingers rubbed hard and fast, and his thumb slid over her magic button. There was only one Hoss but his hands were everywhere. His mouth searched for her nipples and greedily sucked each. Stephanie felt as if she was being carried by a raging flood and she was only too happy to go with it.