“Melanie, you’re not listening to us,” her mother said in an accusing tone.

“I’m sorry mama, I was miles away,” Melanie said and then straightened her back. “As a matter of fact I do have news of my own.”

Her mother clapped her hands together and smiled.

“It’s not what you think mama. Allen has not proposed, but I may be getting married pretty soon.”

Her mother’s hands fell from her face and she and her father exchanged puzzled looks.

“If not Allen, who then?” he papa asked gently.

“Well, a couple of months ago, I happened to come across a publication going by the name ‘Matrimonial News’—”

Her mother shrieked. “No Melanie I see where you’re going with this.”

Her father touched her mother’s arm. “What’s going on? Melanie, why are you upsetting your mother?”

Melanie swallowed her irritation. Her father treated her mother as though she was breakable, when in fact; she was the strongest of the three of them.

“Tell him Melanie,” her mother said.

Unperturbed by her mother’s dramatics, Melanie continued in an even tone. “Well, I was telling you that I happened across the Matrimonial News and I read a very interesting advert from a gentleman in the west who owns a large ranch and is looking for a wife. He’s thirty-eight years old and he lost his wife a few years ago in childbirth.”

Her father frowned.

“See what I mean? It’s a savage country, with no doctors and modern comforts. No Melanie, we will not have you go off to marry a stranger in a Godforsaken place.”

Her temper came upon her like a violent wind, leaving her no space to think or reason. Melanie screwed her eyes and glared at her mother.

“I think that’s my decision to make mother,” she hissed.

“Melanie that’s no way to speak to your mother,” her father said without much conviction in his voice.

“Father, Mother, both of you made plans to sell the ranch, the only home I have known all my life, and only let me know of it after it was done. And now you feel offended because I want to go to the west?”

“Melanie, you know your father and I have planned this trip for decades,” her mother said, her tone pleading for understanding.

“I understand mother. What I’m asking for is the same. I couldn’t possibly get married to Allen. He would bore me to death. I want what you and papa have and I’m willing to go across the country to find it.”

“Who is this man?” her papa asked.

“His name is Carter Taft and from his advert, I gather that he is a rancher in Montana. I wrote to him weeks ago. He hasn’t replied but I’m sure he will.”

“What makes you so sure? What if he decided another lady more suitable?” her mother asked.

Meanwhile her father was pulling at his beard, a sign that he was in deep thought.

“I just know he will,” Melanie said with the quiet confidence she carried with her.

“I have heard of that name before and if I’m not mistaken, the family owns Circle One, one of the biggest ranches in Montana,” her father said.

“See mama? Papa knows them,” Melanie said with a growing excitement. If her father knew them, her work convincing them would be much easier.

“Hold on young lady. I don’t know them but I’ve heard of them. What puzzles me is this, why would your young man find a need to advertise for a wife?

Chapter Eight

Carter drummed his feet against the floor as he penned his reply to Melanie. Her letter had ignited something in him. She had folded a picture of herself inside the letter. He stopped writing, and glanced at the picture. She had an oval, delicate looking face, with tiny features that matched it.