She pulled his hard naked body against hers and lifted her mouth to his. His kiss was anything but gentle and his hands were everywhere. Her ecstasy bordered on pain. Stephanie’s desire was growing by the minute; her body hungered to be filled.

“Hoss, please,” Stephanie murmured, her body arching forward.

Hoss angled himself and lifted her hips Stephanie’s heart pounded in anticipation. When he finally thrust, he did not disappoint. His hardness filled her completely, her body stretching itself to accommodate him. Hoss stayed still and waited and then with singular concentration, proceeded to thrust against her, deep strokes that took over every part of her.

Her body responded and she matched him thrust for thrust. Stephanie clawed at his back which seemed to ignite Hoss more. His thrusts became almost savage, and Stephanie kept pace. Soon Stephanie’s legs began to tremble as a wave of intense pleasure spread up her spine and across her body. She screamed in ecstasy. The sound of Stephanie’s release was too much for Hoss and he could not help but explode inside her, filling her with his love.

They laid in each other’s arms afterwards, listening to the beat of their hearts. This was a new experience for Stephanie. She had never slept with a man who wanted to cradle her in his arms after the deed. Hoss was special, there was no denying that. But so was Carter.

“You’re very special Stephanie,” Hoss murmured and stroked her hair.

“So are you?”

“Then why are we not together? I’d like to marry you, make you my wife.”

Stephanie closed her eyes. She had longed to hear those very words for so long, from each man she had ever slept with. Still she wasn’t ready to let go of Carter. A part of her heart clung to the belief that Carter loved her. Besides, she liked the idea of making love with both brothers. Each made love to her in his own different way, carrying her to dizzying heights.

Hours later, Hoss brought the carriage around and after checking the vicinity of the house, she slipped in. Stephanie giggled. She found this part exciting, hiding away their love affair.

“I don’t like this,” Hoss murmured from the front. “We’re not children. We should let everybody know that we’re together now.”

By everybody, Stephanie knew he meant Carter. She gave an involuntary shudder. She certainly was not ready to confront Carter with the news that she was sleeping with his brother. Hoss might not know that side of Carter but she did. He had a fury that resembled a storm, rising and then crashing anybody it met on its way down. She did not want to be that person.

“Let’s just enjoy ourselves Hoss,” Stephanie soothed. “This is just the beginning.”

“Duck!” Hoss suddenly shouted.

Stephanie ducked. “What is it?”

“Carter is riding by.”

His trembling voice told her that he too, feared for Carter’s reaction.

Chapter Seven

Her parents stood on either side of her, supporting her. Melanie’s eyes were swollen and red from crying. She had known it inevitable that the horses would have to go but now seeing them packed in the wagon was a heartbreaking sight. She had cried almost every day since her parents had told her of their plans to sell the ranch.

No amount of begging could have changed their minds. Their eyes had glittered with the plans before them; plans to travel the world.

“What about me?” Melanie had asked puzzled. Her parents had always openly loved one another, but surely, it could not have escaped their minds that they had a child, albeit a twenty-six-year-old one.

“Why?” her mother had said, surprise lighting her eyes. “You’ll soon be married off to that nice young man.”

She hadn’t even recalled his name. Not that Melanie could blame her. She herself had trouble remembering he was there when they were together. Allen was the type of young man who forever walked in the shadows, terrified that someone might notice him.

“That’s it,” her papa said, as the wagon disappeared around the bend of their drive.

Melanie sighed. At least her beloved mare, Midnight, was staying with her. The trio walked back into the house, a two story country home, with balconies in all the upstairs bedrooms. She followed her parents forlornly into the drawing room. Everything was happening so fast, she felt as if she was being rushed out of her own home.

Still, her news was bound to please them; Melanie thought and then looked at her parents seated together on the couch. Her father was a dark wiry man, his beard full and his muscles contracted from all those years of being on horseback. He had reared horses for sale and had been totally involved in the operations of the ranch.

Her mother on the other hand, resembled a porcelain doll. She had delicate features but inside was a will of steel. Melanie had taken after her mother in looks and temperament.

“Did you get information today on where the ship docks after France?” her mother asked now.

“Yes my dear, you’ll be pleased to know that Italy is the next port of—”

Melanie switched off. These days, all her parents spoke of was their impeding trip. They planned to visit a lot of countries in Europe and check in on her mother’s Aunt who had settled in England.