“Now?” asked the preacher. “On our horses?”

“I don’t see why not? Shauna?” Sam asked her.

Shauna smiled. It was not the wedding she had hoped for. From the first moment Sam mentioned wedding, she envisioned a wedding dress. Her prior wedding was nothing more than a few words in front of a preacher, and a couple of people from a saloon to witness. But oh well, she thought. She certainly got the husband she hoped for.

“Of course,” said Shauna.

“Proceed preacher,” said Sam.

His smiled could not be any wider. The preacher cleared his throat and gave quick sermon followed by the prompting of their vows. Within five minutes, Sam and Shauna were man and wife.

“Preacher, you go on ahead. You’ll find our place in a mile in that direction,” said Sam.

“Find it? Aren’t you coming?” asked the preacher with surprise.

“We’ll be along directly,” said Sam. “I have to stay behind and kiss my beautiful bride.”

Shauna watched the preacher ride towards her home. She happily leaned into her husband and kissed him with all the love in her heart.

11. Stephanie’s Unexpected Baby

By: Tanya Rutherford

Stephanie’s Unexpected Baby

©Tanya Rutherford, 2016 – All rights reserved

Published by Steamy Reads4U

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Chapter One

Stephanie sashayed down the wide aisle that separated the two rows of tables. From his usual table at the back, near the door, Carter watched her performance. The diner was Stephanie’s stage and the particular performance was for his eyes. Her left hand carried dirty dishes, but from the way she held them high in the air, one would have been forgiven for thinking they contained a feast for a king.

When she reached the counter, Stephanie leaned on it, angling her body so that the rear part of it stuck out. Carter grinned and returned to the newspaper he had found on the table. Coming to the Paxton’s diner always cheered him up. Under hooded eyes, he saw Stephanie’s eyes on him. He winked at her and she walked down the aisle again, this time heading to his table.

He looked up with an amused smile.

“Aren’t you just the tiniest bit jealous?” she said in her throaty voice which always turned him on.

Carter noticed the other patrons then, the men ogling Stephanie and the women with barely concealed envy mixed with revulsion. He turned his gaze to Stephanie, her hand now on the table.

“I can’t say that I am,” Carter replied honestly.

He had never been a jealous man, except with Catherine. The memory of his wife brought a physical pain to his chest. Stephanie deposited a plate steaming with eggs, beans and toast.

“What is it?” Stephanie asked, startled.