Then she remembered the feeling of magic that was in the air during their love-making session.

"That Fucker!" she screamed, shocking the doctor and herself out from her reverie. "So we are true mates."

Shocked, Marina drove home and cried herself to sleep. She woke when Lauren got home from work, and asked her what had happened. Lauren convinced her to call Joe and let him know. He didn’t have to be involved with the cubs, but Marina wasn't interested in willingly preventing the father from being present in the lives of his children.

Joe was sitting in his home office when his phone rang. It was 1AM.

Calls at this time of day are never good news, he thought.

Without checking the caller ID, he answered, and was shocked to hear the sound of Marina's voice.

“Marina, I’m so glad you called." he began. "I have to explain. I have missed you so much and it’s not what you think.”

“Joe we need to talk," she stoically replied. "Can you come over to Lauren’s house?”

Fifteen minutes later, Joe pulled up in front of a tiny yellow house. Marina met him at the door. He couldn’t take their separation any longer. He started talking, and hoped she would show understanding, and offer forgiveness. He told her all about his troubled past, and how he grew up in a crappy trailer park. He spoke about how he never had enough food, or enough money to pay the rent. He told her about how he used to steal food to feed himself and his siblings, and how he worked his ass off to get a scholarship to college. He told her how he made his first million, and how he was never going back to a place where he had to wear dirty clothes, and worn out shoes. Joe didn’t realize he was crying until Marina wiped a tear from his cheek. Joe apologized for what he had considered doing to a Richardson Construction, and how he had called it off because she was too important to him. Marina listened to everything he said, and she believed him.

"I know in my heart that you're telling the truth," she replied, with the simple grace that only a newly pregnant woman can have.

“You said you had something to tell me," Joe said. "I was so determined to tell you everything, that I didn’t let you get a word in. What did you want to say?”

Smiling she turned to him.

“Remember that night in the woods?” she asked.

"Of course" he replied. "How could I forget?"

“Did you feel something different that night?” she asked.

Joe looked at her, his smiling face hinted that he knew what had happened without her vocalization.

“We’re true mates, aren’t we?” he asked.

"Yes!" Marina exclaimed, looking at him with love in her eyes, "and, we’re having cubs!”

Joe grabbed her in his arms and vowed that he would never let her go. The two of them made love shamelessly from that point forward, and vowed to stick together for the rest of their lives.

10. The Billionaire Rancher's Unexpected Baby

By: Sharon Wright

The Billionaire Rancher's Unexpected Baby

© Sharon Wright, 2016 – All rights reserved

Published by Steamy Reads4U

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