She straightened her back and used a red fingernail to trace around the computer screen. She said, “Why don’t you break the one page ad up into four quarter ads and place them throughout the magazine and test the result. Women in their twenties are going to pay attention to the bag being something they can use as a purse or an overnight bag, and soccer moms will like that it can double as a diaper bag, and even older women – like my mom -- will love that it has a cross body strap that makes it easy to carry.”

He stared at her with his mouth hanging open. ““Christina, that’s brilliant.”

She blushed. “Really? Thanks.”

He turned back to stare at the computer. “That’s an amazing idea, really. Come with me, and we’ll present it to Josh and Adriana, the team that designed the ad. You can shadow them while they make the changes you’ve suggested.”

“That would be AWESOME!”

Without thinking, she leaned down and planted her lips on his cheek. Even though it was an innocent kiss, desire welled inside of him. She felt him recoil away from her lips.

“Sorry,” she whispered, putting her fingers to her lips and backing away. “I just got really excited.”

“It’s fine. Just don’t let anyone else see you doing that,” he said as he pushed his chair back. He was glad the contact didn’t last any longer.

“Come on,” he said, leading her to the door. “Let’s put your ideas to work.”


Christina kicked off her shoes and collapsed on the couch. Not that her day had been difficult, but those strappy heels had been a terrible idea. Even though they made her calves and ankles look amazing.

Speaking of amazing, that was the word she’d use to describe how Lucas looked now. He had always been gorgeous, but now he was beyond gorgeous. He was… amazing!

There was something about the way he rolled up his sleeves and stretched over his desk that sent shivers to her toes. She wondered what he looked like without the expensive clothes. She wondered how he had changed over the years.

She closed her eyes and began to doze.

* * *

“Hey, kid.”

Christina frowned. She was twenty. She was certainly not a kid anymore. “I’m in college,” she pointed out as she rolled her eyes. “I’m not a kid anymore.”

Lucas shrugged and leaned against the kitchen counter. She could feel the intensity of his gaze as his eyes swept over her. She was dressed only in a pair of yoga pants and a tank top.

“You have the word juicy written across your ass,” he said. “That still makes you a kid.”

“What are you doing here, Lucas,” she asked with a frown. Her mom hadn’t said anything about him stopping by. He didn’t usually stop by until Christmas, and that was still a week away.

He flashed a wicked smile, and she ached to touch him. God, he always looked so good. She wanted just one taste of those sensuous lips.

He said, “Your mom said she was having issues with her car, so I offered to stop by and take a look at it today.”

“You know anything about cars?” she asked dubiously. Lucas was the button-down business type. He wasn’t the hands-on type.

He stepped closer to her, and her body immediately responded. She shivered as he stopped only inches from her. “I have many talents, kid,” he whispered. He reached his hands up and opened the cupboard behind her for a glass.

Every nerve in her body screamed to be touched. God, she wanted him to lift her up on the counter and devour her.

He snickered as though he knew what she was thinking and tuned to get some water out of the refrigerator. Her eyes narrowed as she watched him walk away. He wanted to tease her?

Two could play at that game.

The sound of her ringtone shook her awake. She blinked her eyes in surprise, as if she expected young Lucas Powers to be standing before her. She crossed her ankles and squeezed her legs together to squelch the fire in her vagina. Shaking her head, she dug into her purse until she found her phone.

It was her mom.

Her heart sank, and she blew out her breath. She hadn’t told her mom that she was working for Lucas, but she knew her mother well. If she didn’t answer the phone, her mom would probably assume something terrible had happened and call the cops.