It was almost without a second thought she picked out a silk blouse that clung tantalizingly to her very large, DD-cup breasts and showed off ample cleavage. It was one of her party shirts but this time at the very back of her mind she’d had a very specific reason for picking it out. She pulled on tight black slacks that hugged her thick thighs in the most flattering way and slipped on a pair of black pumps to match. She stared in the mirror fussing over whether or not to wear her hair up or down and it was not until she thought she’d feel sexier with loose hair that she pulled it back into an effortless high-ponytail.

“I refuse to be sexy for him,” Jenna muttered to her own reflection.

Jenna spent the entire cab ride over to Harrison’s house dreading seeing Michael more and more. It was not just that she had no clue how to act around him, feeling even more confused after seeing him at the restaurant; Jenna did not want to risk falling for the wrong guy again. The fact it was even a concern she now had made her stomach coil uncomfortably. Everything about Michael Black was dangerous, from his obvious wealth to his playboy attitude and especially down to his strange ability to come through as interesting against all odds. It was disarming, really. The cab pulled up in front of Harrison’s driveway and it was not until she handed the driver the fare that she realized she was a bit shaky.

Adjusting her top, she made her way up the walkway when the door swung open before she even had a chance to knock.

“Hello there,” Michael greeted in a low, husky tone that almost made Jenna forget all about her resolution to keep away from him. She wanted to push away the attraction toward him but the small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips and the glint in his eye made it near impossible. There was something about him whether she liked to admit it or not.

“Hello,” came her rather terse greeting.

Michael looked up at the sky before glancing back at her and stepping aside for her to enter the house. Just as Jenna crossed the threshold he shifted so that her arm grazed his chest. Jenna could not help pausing but quickly moved forward, trying to act like nothing had happened. She heard the door close behind her but Michael did not appear; instead she felt him inches behind her, so close they were almost touching.

“Nice shirt,” he complimented suggestively.

Jenna held her breath and took a couple steps forward to make sure he could no longer stare right down her cleavage. Nothing about his behavior was different considering he’d come in her mouth last time they were at Harrison’s together and it was precisely that she did not know how to handle. On the one hand, it was a relief he was not expecting or asking for anything more. On the other hand, it was just so odd to her that it might as well have never happened by the way he behaved. Was he being considerate or was he being a jerk?

Then she felt his hand lightly touch on the small of her back as he said, “Everyone is in the den. Shall we head over?”

He removed his hand just as quickly as he had placed it on her and stepped forward with a smile. Jenna looked at him briefly before heading toward the den, where she was greeted with a lot of joy and excitement. It was obvious that Harrison and Tara were even perkier than usual and it helped somewhat ease Jenna.

“Congratulations,” she told Harrison as he pulled her into a hug. Tara bounded up and pulled her into a tight hug as well, excitedly saying something about how wonderful everything was even though the move had been a big decision.

“I’m so happy you’re here, Jenna! This is just swell,” Tara went on with a huge grin. It was not long before little Fay made an appearance, dressed in what looked like a princess costume, and she trotted about the room happily. Michael swept her up and she giggled loudly. Jenna could not help watching him; there were so many sides to the man she wondered if he was even the same person. She was curious on what else there was to discover about him.

The gathering went by uneventfully. There were other people over whom Jenna hadn’t previously met and she was occupied chatting them up so much that by the end of the night Michael caught up with her outside the front door to protest.

“If I didn’t know any better I’d think you were avoiding me,” he joked.

“Since day one,” Jenna replied cheekily.

Michael laughed good-naturedly and Jenna had to admit it was quite a pleasant sound. It felt so easy to talk to him quite suddenly and she decided it was her who’d been silly about the whole ordeal. It had been her decision, he’d enjoyed it, and it was done. Except she realized just how much she didn’t want it to be done; Jenna gulped.

“Everything alright?”


“You seem kind of nervous or something,” Michael observed.

Jenna froze. Not once had it crossed her mind he would actually notice something subtle about her, especially if it was in relation to her feelings. Jenna was not the type to lie but this was not exactly the kind of situation she often found herself in.

“I’m fine,” she finally told him benignly. She turned to look at him and saw he did not quite buy it but he was not going to bug her about it either.

“Let me give you a ride home,” he offered.

Jenna turned to face him, willing herself to look into her eyes while debating his offer. It sounded genuine. Probably for the first time since they’d met Jenna did not think he was suggesting anything. This time she thought he was just being kind. Jenna bit her lower lip and cast her gaze to the floor beside his feet. The stars specking the sky reflected on the shiny black surface of his dress shoes. When the word “yes” fell from her lips she realized it was probably her working with an ulterior motive; in her mind she’d said “to hell with it” and immediately nullified her previous decision. One thing remained– it was her choice; She was the one ultimately in control here. Michael Black was not playing her like any other woman.

She marveled at the luxury of his car and the speed. They talked about Harrison and how Michael knew him. They touched briefly on Michael’s job; Jenna learned he’d founded one of the top social media sites and thought it explained his wealth. It didn’t matter. They pulled up in front of her place, the upper corner of the building, which was her living room window, dark.

“Would you like to come inside?”

Michael sighed and shook his head. “I should get going.”

Chapter Nine

To say Jenna was angry and embarrassed would have been an understatement. What made matters worse after being so unexpectedly jilted the night of Harrison’s celebratory gathering was that it was going on a week now since she’d heard from Michael.

“Maybe he did manage to play me after all,” she vented to Mac.