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Chapter One

“Mac, these eggs are too runny,” Jenna said as she slid the heavy plate across the metal surface in the direction of the breakfast sous chef.

The sassy man of age 29, who’d climbed up the ranks to his current position at a very rapid pace, flitted his eyelashes and stared at her with eyes narrowed. She was the only person allowed to call him Mac and even more the only one to so casually bring back plates due to silly customer complaints– the eggs were not runny by any measure. “I see Madame Parrot has decided to join us again,” he muttered as he snatched up the plate and unceremoniously threw the food into the trash as per the restaurant’s health regulations.

“It’s Madame Perot,” she corrected to test his already wafer-thin patience.

He did not even dignify her with a glare, instead cracking open two more and getting to work on them despite having already started on another order. “If I see that in writing I say ‘Perot’, which is just what she sounds like on a good day,” he remarked.

Jenna stretched back with hands resting on her hips as she watched him cook. He was quick but careful all while making it look like he did everything with such ease. She clicked her tongue, getting lost in watching him, and realized a bit later he’d turned to look at her with annoyance. “Can I help you?”

“Can I help you?” he snapped back with a scoff. “Don’t you have tables to wait or you have all the morning shift to watch this little show back here?”

Jenna rolled her blue eyes playfully before spinning around on her heels and walking back out to check on the customers seated at her tables, chestnut brown hair trailing down prettily from where it was neatly pinned at the back of her head. It was not long before she felt the penetrating gaze of Madame Perot so she quickly went back to ask if the woman’s new order was ready. Mac handed her the warm plate but was too busy with other orders to quip. She walked over to the table with an apologetic grin and set the plate down as she said, “Fresh order, Madame Perot. Our sous chef personally cooked it so we hope it’s up to par!” She watched as the older woman poked at the eggs with pursed lips before giving a curt nod of approval, looking up at Jenna to shoo her away. Jenna forced a smile and went off to check on her other customers.

“You’re lucky you only have to deal with her nonsensical complaints on occasion,” Jenna complained to Mac as he threw his uniform in the soiled bin and walked over to his locker. He just listened to her go on about Perot and then other issues she’d had to deal with during her shift. As much as he seemed to not have patience for petty things and not care for anything that would bug him, he was actually a good listener where Jenna was concerned. They’d formed a quick and interesting bond when she’d been hired, one that confused people as to whether or not they were actually close. They rarely saw each other outside of work but did spend a fair amount of time text messaging back and forth, particularly when bored or dealing with nuisances. “You have tomorrow off, right?” She hated when she was scheduled in the mornings sans Mac.

He nodded. “Time to get some sleep,” he muttered wearily. He slipped on his stylish sneakers and stuck his leather wallet in the back pocket of his fitted jeans. He was a sharp dresser and always looked good even when he was totally casual. He looked at Jenna and she could almost feel his awkward pat on her shoulder but he did not actually go through with it. “You go on and get out of here too. Why stick around longer than you gotta?”

Jenna pulled out the light sundress from her locker and walked into a changing room, hastily pulling off her server uniform and throwing on the dress. It was a bright, warm day out so she was glad she’d had the foresight to stuff her favorite blanket, newest magazines, sunglasses, and a large bottle of water into a tote bag the previous night. The sundress was somewhat short, showing off her rather thick thighs, and it draped flatteringly on her curvy waist-to-hip line. Having grown up in a society where it could easily be crippling to be thick and curvy especially when compared to photos of women seen on magazines, she hadn’t always been confident to wear such dresses. She never looked in dresses the way the catalog model did or in her old high-school uniform the way the pretty, blonde cheerleaders had. For many years it had been difficult for her to deal with and, in retrospect, it had contributed in some form to the string of bad relationships she’d had. Now, however, her mindset and confidence were much different so she wore her clothes proudly.

After quickly slathering on some sunblock she sent Kelly, her best friend, a quick message to meet up with her at the park and walked out of the restaurant. She strolled down to the park, conveniently walking distance from both her job and home, and spread out the blanket neatly on the grass under the shade of a large tree. She’d just flipped open one of her trashy magazines when she heard Kelly’s voice from a distance.

“I wanted to beat you here,” Kelly lamented as she dropped down to sit on the blanket beside Jenna. Jenna laughed and sat up, not bothering to close her magazine.

“I was wondering why you got here so fast,” she commented in surprise.

“Are you saying I’m slow?”

“Yes,” Jenna replied without hesitation. Kelly mocked being hurt but then shrugged.

“Luckily I have some free time now. It’s like you sensed it or something,” Kelly told Jenna. She ran her hands through her light blonde hair before sweeping it to the side. Kelly was very pretty in a conventional sort of way, not that it was a bad thing at all. The thing about her, though, was she didn’t act like it. From her way of talking to the way she demonstrated her confidence and even down to what she was passionate about, Kelly seemed to surprise everyone. It was one of the biggest reasons Jenna had been able to form such a strong bond with her. Kelly was also very kind, if a bit stubborn, but both qualities ultimately helped her career-wise. She worked for a non-profit organization focusing its efforts on nature conservation. Jenna always wondered how she managed it because the stuff Kelly had to patiently put up with was intense. It was just another thing on a long list of reasons Jenna admired her.

“I thought you were supposed to have today off,” Jenna wondered.

“I was but you know how it goes when planning major events! We have a meeting today since the date is so near,” Kelly informed before taking a meaningful pause. Jenna looked away from her, eyes shut; she knew exactly where this was going. And, sure enough, the next words to come out of her best friend’s mouth were exactly what she’d expected. “It would be a lot better to plan this thing knowing my best friend will be a part of it.”

“I will be. I’ll be there, as a guest, sitting with the crowd.”

Kelly arched her brow and retorted, “That’s attending it. I want you to be a part of it.”

“You want me to parade around and wonder how much I’ll go for,” Jenna deadpanned.

“I want you to support a worthy cause and not be ‘single by choice’ just for one night,” Kelly said. “It’s just a teeny bachelorette auction. One night out. It’s not like I’m selling you!”

Jenna rolled her eyes and said, “I didn’t invite you to join me just so I could be badgered! What’s it going to take for you to finally drop it?”

“A ‘yes’ from you would work, I’m sure,” Kelly chimed with a mischievous grin.