“Thanks,” Catie said awkwardly. She quickly put on her clothes and moved her seat so that she was sitting upright again. Luke started the car and looked at Catie.

“I hope that you still want to go, it’s very nice there.”

“Of course, I’m looking forward to it.” Catie couldn’t believe that she just had sex with a man she barely knew for twenty-hours. She also couldn’t believe how amazing it felt, but something was odd with the whole situation. Why was she so aroused to the point where she was physically unable to do anything until after she was alleviated? Luke drove the few blocks back to the club and was happy that he and Catie weren’t bothered. However, his happiness soon turned to a feeling of pure self-hatred. The only reason why he was able to mate with the one that would be his was due to hidden information.

This is all types of messed up.

Chapter Seven

“Is everything alright, Catie? You look out of it.” Michael asked as he walked up behind Catie while she was making copies. Catie sighed and turned to look at Michael.

“I’m fine; I just lost a possible interview that I drove all the way to San Francisco for.” Catie was still upset about that; however, that wasn’t the reason why she was in a foul mood. Last night she had unprotected sex with a man, though she was into, but she barely even knew. Even though they still went on their date and Luke was the perfect gentleman, he definitely acted weird towards her. He must think I’m easy; Catie thought to herself and immediately felt her stomach clench.

“Wow that sucks, I’m sorry to hear that,” Michael said and used the copier as soon as Catie was finished.

“It happens,” Catie said and shrugged her shoulders. She turned around in an attempt to go back to her office, but Michael stopped her with his free hand.

“Hold on Catie,” he said and Catie turned around to look at him. “You look…. different today. Did something else happen?” Catie instantly felt her cheeks heating up as she wondered if Michael could tell that she had sex.

“No, that’s the only thing that’s going on.” Catie lied. Michael frowned and looked Catie in the eyes a few more seconds before sighing and letting her go.

“If you say so… Cheer up, Catie.” Michael said. He wanted to ask Catie to have lunch with him so that he could try to take her mind off of things, but from Catie’s demeanor, he figured that now was not a good time. “If you need anything and I mean anything give me a ring,” Michael said and Catie nodded. She doubted that she’d take him up on his offer even if she did need something, but it was the thought that counted.

Catie hustled back to her office with her copies and closed her door. She really needed to get her head in the news. The stories that Catie had been covering lately was nothing compared to the stories that she could be making about the shapeshifters. Catie took her computer off of sleep mode and did what she did everyday… research any wrong doings by the shapeshifters. She needed to get out of her current rut and Catie also needed to talk to Luke. There were so many things on Catie’s plate at the moment that she thought her head would surely explode.

“C’mon Catherine Ziles… you can do this.”


Luke walked into the bar after work like he normally did and to his surprise he found the spot packed. Luke smiled because business was doing well for his pride and made a b-line to the stairs. Luke could have taken the elevator to the ground floor, but even though he had money in the bank, Luke liked walking around instead of taking the easier route.

Luke walked towards the back of the basement to his office away from his office and went straight in. He was just about to shut the door, but Luke felt breasts pressing into his back. Without turning around to face the insatiable woman, Luke already knew that it was Donna.

“You can’t say hi, Luke? You make big time human money and you’re too good for the rest of us?” Donna purred seductively into Luke’s ear. He sighed and moved her hands from around his waist. If he and Catie was going to be serious, he couldn’t allow Donna to hang on to him the way that she did. Luke faced Donna then and saw the shock in her eyes.

“It’s not like that Donna. I didn’t see you when I first came in and I can’t really deal with all of those people up there. I’m kind of stressed at the moment.” Luke said and he thought of Catie and the information that he was withholding from her. Luke was a man that always got what he wanted, but Luke was starting to question whether he wanted to get Catie based on a lie or not. Donna didn’t respond to what Luke said, her eyes scanned up and down his body and soon the beautiful woman started to scowl.

“You’ve had sex. You reek of that human.” Lions had highly sensitive noses so Luke wasn’t surprise that Donna was able to still smell sex on him even though he washed his body thoroughly.

“Sorry, I thought I got it all off.” Luke said sarcastically. Luke knew that Donna was jealous, but he couldn’t help it that he wasn’t interested in her that way. Donna needed to learn to accept that because Luke planned on making Catie an integral part of his life.

“Who is she? You don’t need no other woman when you have me!” Donna shouted. The once playfully flirtatious woman was replaced by a fuming one. Luke sat down and looked up at Donna with eyes warning the lioness to back off.

“Donna… you’re an important member of the pride and I rely on your skills. You’re also a very good friend of mine, and even with all of these great qualities you offer to the pride, I will not let you talk to me like I’m some low ranking cub!” Luke shouted and Donna folded her arms and bit her bottom lip.

“Why don’t you find me attractive? Any man would kill to have me in their bed.” Donna said and Luke couldn’t help but to think that the woman was starting to sound a little desperate. This crush that Donna had on Luke was starting to get out of hand.

“I do find you attractive, Donna. I’m not blind. It’s just that you aren’t the woman that I’ve been waiting for. I’ve found her the other day and I knew that she was the one for me,” Donna frowned at that and averted her eyes from Luke. Donna didn’t understand how Luke could remain so level headed and calm when he was breaking her heart.

“What’s her name? What does she look like?” Donna asked and Luke’s frown deepened. Donna didn’t have the authority to be questioning Luke like this, but Donna wasn’t always one to play exactly from the rulebook.


“I want to know the name of the human and woman who stole you from me.” Donna said without a trace of embarrassment on her cheeks. Luke sighed then and closed his eyes to collect his thoughts.

“I will introduce her to the pride soon enough, there’s just some things I need to get cleared up before I do.” Luke said. Luke had to tell Catie the truth about his identity and of his troubled past, he just didn’t know how. Luke could smell it on Catie’s skin that she is the destined woman to be his mate, but all of that could be ruined once she found out that he is the one thing that she hated the most. A shapeshifter. “As soon as I get this straightened up, the pride will know her.”
