“You know I have some great bath salts if you’d like to give them a try.” Dylan popped his head in the bathroom just as Emily was about to get changed. She smiled and then looked at his face. His chiseled cheekbones defined his angular face and his soft blue eyes reminded her of the sky on a Lancaster afternoon.

“I’ll try them. Thanks.” Emily moved a little closer and then waited as Dylan handed her the jar. She set the salts on the edge of the tub and then waited for Dylan to leave. But he didn’t.

“You know, as my wife, I have a few expectations when it comes to physical contact.” Dylan moved closer and took Emil’s hand in his. “I hope that’s not a problem for you.” He smiled and then brushed his body up against hers. She tried to relax but it had been so long since she’d even kissed anyone that she didn’t know how to react.

“I hope that I can provide what you need.” Emily smiled and then moved a little closer. Dylan leaned in and kissed her on the forehead. Emily closed her eyes and inched a little closer. Dylan wrapped his hands around her waist and then slowly pulled her sweater over her head. She stood still and let him explore her body with his hands. “You have a beautiful body, Emily.” Dylan sounded sincere and Emily could feel a sensation of heat rise within her core.

He ran his hands over her shoulders and then started to rub them in long, rhythmic motions. Emily sighed, feeling all of the tension from the day release from inside her. Dylan moved closer and kissed the nape of her neck, sending Goosebumps down her spine. Just as she was about to open her eyes and make her move to kiss him, they both heard a loud crashing sound downstairs. Dylan bolted out of the bathroom and jetted down the steps.

“Everything’s okay. It was the dogs!” Dylan called up to Emily and then went about shooing the two Rottweilers out of the kitchen and away from the trashcan that they had toppled over. Eisley and Anna were sitting in front of the television watching an episode of Sesame Street. Dylan ran his hands through his hair. Even though Emily was obviously tired, he was exhausted, too. The stress from his earlier meeting, coupled with the ongoing chaos of his home life, made for one weary man at the end of the day.

He trudged back up the stairs and then rapped on the bathroom door. Emily was in the tub, her head resting on a washcloth, her body completely submerged in the warm, soothing salts. She smiled when he popped in. “I won’t bother you. The girls are watching a show, and I’m going to out them to bed shortly. Why don’t you come into my bedroom when you’re finished? We can spend out first night together.” Dylan gave Emily a seductive grin, and Emily tried not to giggle.

“Okay. I’ll come in as soon as I’m dressed.” Emily winked and then closed her eyes as soon as he closed the door. She wondered if they were moving too fast. After all, they had just met. She reminded herself that this wasn’t a typical relationship. As part of the agreement, if Dylan wanted sex, then she would have to provide. After all, this was a marriage of “convenience.” Emily sighed and then slid further under the water.

Chapter 8

A slight breeze blew in from Dylan’s window. Emily could make out a few photographs on his wall, a dresser, and a huge mound of laundry in the corner. She walked slowly toward his bed and then let down her hair which had been pulled up in a bun from her bath. Dylan turned around and reached for her hand. “I’m glad you came in.” He pulled her closer and then sat up. He was in only his boxer shorts, and Emily could make out the muscular definition in his chest when he leaned closer.

“I know that as your wife I’m going to be asked to serve you in different ways, so I just wanted to tell you that I’m aware of my obligations.” Emily knew that she sounded too formal and that Dylan was a casual sort of man, but she couldn’t shake her sophisticated English upbringing. Dylan smiled and then moved over so that she could get into bed with him. Then he pulled up the covers so that they were both snuggled deep inside.

“You know, oddly enough…” Dylan whispered to Emily as she reclined on her side. “…I feel a strong connection to you, already. Isn’t that peculiar?” Dylan smiled and then nuzzled his chin against her neck. Emily smiled and then turned to face him. She was wearing her cranberry colored pajamas that Leila had bought for her birthday last year.

“I feel a sort of connection to you too, oddly enough.” Emily chuckled and then wrapped her arms around Dylan’s neck. He drew her close and then opened his mouth to meet hers. Emily waited with anticipation and then, as if a sort of dance, they explored each other with their tongues, both of them taking the time to taste and touch and tickle with their mouths.

Dylan reached for Emily’s breasts and playfully squeezed her nipples. He loved the way that they felt in his hands and he craved even more of her body. Emily sighed with delight as he caressed her body, moving from her breasts to her buttocks, and then down her thighs and between her legs. Emily knew that under other circumstances, she would have told a man to stop, that they were moving too fast. Yet with Dylan, she felt that it was appropriate. After all, she was now his wife.

“I want to feel all of you.” Dylan whispered in her ear and then rubbed her inner thighs with his hand. She cried out with pleasure as he moved his fingers inside her warm, wet hole. It had been so long since a man had touched her sacred world of womanhood that Emily just wanted to enjoy it. She had no expectations and she had no hang-ups, either.

Dylan pushed her legs wider apart so that he could wedge himself between them. He loved her scent and her shape. It had been a long time for him, as well. His previous marriage had been a sexless one, and his wife, Ginger, had always made excuses for why she didn’t want to make love to him. Along with the fact that he eventually caught her cheating, it made for some trying tests of self-confidence when it came to his performance in the bedroom.

“You feel really good, Dylan.” Emily finally felt relaxed. She moved closer and spread her legs wider. Dylan’s fingers explored her precious bounty and Emily cried out with pleasure. She didn’t even worry about Eisley or Anna hearing them, although she hoped and assumed they were both sound asleep. Dylan slowly climbed on top of her and pressed his manhood against her body. Then slowly, and with precision, he thrust himself deep inside of her.

Emily cried out as soon as he penetrated her. She clung to his waist and pulled him closer to her body. “Yes, Dylan. This is wonderful.” She whispered in his ear and then rubbed her hands across his back as he continued to pleasure her with his body. A shaft of moonlight swept across the room and Emily briefly felt as if she were back in Lancaster. She remembered how moonbeams would cut across her bedroom floor on clear nights, and she briefly longed for the chance to go back.

Dylan glided in and out of Emily’s body, taking the time to find out what she really enjoyed. He had wanted to be with someone who appreciated him for so long now that the sensations he felt with Emily were almost too much to bear. He wanted to get to know every nook and cranny of her delicate, elongated body.

“How does that feel, baby?” Dylan whispered in Emily’s ear and continued to glide in and out of her wet, warm hole. Emily was in a state of ecstasy, and she ran her fingers across Dylan’s back as he continued to thrust in and out of her with rhythmic bursts. It wasn’t until almost an hour later that the two erupted in a shared crescendo, and then collapsed into each other’s arms under the grace of the moonlight.

When morning rolled around, Emily realized that they had never even spoken about the secret meeting that took place in the dining room the day before. She wanted to find out what was going on, but she also didn’t want to inflict unnecessary tension onto their gently budding relationship. Emily rolled out of bed to make coffee around seven a.m. Dylan joined her downstairs shortly after.

“Good morning, Emily. Last night was incredible.” Dylan gave her a kiss on the cheek and then sat down at the table while Emily poured them both steaming mugs of coffee. “I hope you feel the same.” He grinned and then took a sip of his drink. Emily sat down and twirled one of her long tresses around her finger.

“I had an amazing night, Dylan. I really did.” She knew that she had to say something or it would eat her up inside all day. “But, we never got around to talking about your business meeting, and…” Emily’s voice faltered. “…and I think we need to get a few truths out on the table.” Emily nodded her head, hopeful that Dylan would be accommodating to her request.

“I’ll tell you all about it as soon as the girls are out and about, okay?” Dylan reached across the table and gave Emily a kiss on the cheek. But the conversation never happened. Eisley and Anna went back to school on Monday, and Emily spent the first three days of the week scrubbing the floors, changing the bed sheets, grooming the dogs, and preparing meals. By the time Wednesday rolled along, Emily was more tired than ever.

“I just wanted to tell you that you’re doing an excellent job around here.” Dylan poked his head into the bathroom Wednesday night while Emily was in the tub. However, this time she didn’t smile. In fact, she didn’t even look up when he called her name. Dylan inched closer to her face and then squatted down to eye level. “What’s wrong, Emily? I can tell that you aren’t happy.” He frowned and then waited for her response. Emily just sighed.

“Dylan. We agreed to talk about your business meeting. That was three days ago. Since then, you either have excuses as to why it isn’t a good time, or you just blow off my questions, completely. I don’t think I can be in a relationship, not even a marriage of convenience, with someone who can’t respect my need to communicate.” Emily felt relieved to have finally spoken her mind.

Dylan stood silently for a few minutes, and then threw his arms up in the air. “I’m sorry, Emily. I really am. It’s just been a hectic week for me, and I wanted to make sure that what I talked about with Felix and Ray was set in stone, you know?” Dylan looked at Emily with a hopeless expression in his eyes.

Emily understood that it might be hard to discuss touchy matters with a woman that he’d just met, but she recognized that part of her own livelihood was connected to the outcome, and that there needed to be clear expectations about how they would proceed with this together. “I get what you are saying, Dylan, but you need to understand that when I responded to your ad, I thought that I was putting myself in contact with an established business man, with a man of stature and probably of power.”

Emily shook her head. She didn’t want to come right out and tell him that she was sorely disappointed because that would only be partially true. She liked Dylan. She was attracted to him. Even if he wasn’t rich, it probably wouldn’t change her opinion of him, anyway. Yet she still felt entitled to better answers than the ones he was giving.

“I am a man of power.” Dylan stood up straighter than usual. He gave Emily a confident stare and then suddenly looked down at the floor. “I mean…” He sighed and then looked away. The dogs barked outside and Emily could hear the screen rattling inside the frame of the door’s window. He shook his head and then sat down at the kitchen table. “Sit down, Emily.” He looked at her with hesitation, and she slowly sat down in the seat.