“Why are you avoiding me?” He asked angrily.

Marly turned to face him with a blank stare. She wouldn’t allow her emotions to ruin her plans if she wanted to keep her dignity intact.

“I’m not.”

“Where were you yesterday?”

“In my room, working.”

Her lack of emotion drove his anger a little more almost making him mad.

“Why are you doing this?” He stepped closer to her but she backed away. “I don’t like it when you’re cold and distant.”

“Are you kidding me? Really, Rick?” Now she was mad. “Do you honestly think I would grovel at your feet just so we can secretly meet like this?” His selfishness was too much. “This will not work. Nothing will work for us. There is no us!”

“How can you be so sure?”

“I cannot give you what you want.” She breathed in deep. There, she finally said it.

“Do you really know what I want right now?” His eyes narrowed in anger.

“It doesn’t matter,” She said firmly. “Just keep your hands to your wife. Good day, Mr. Lane.” She walked past him and slammed the door as she went out.

It was over, finally over. She can walk out of his life and leave the ranch with a lighter heart. When the time came, she would recall the memories she had with him and laugh. Because that was what everything between them would become, a memory.

Chapter Eight

It had been a week since she her trip to the ranch. After returning from her trip, she left work indefinitely. She needed time to rethink things and put her life back together. She didn’t want put on a fake persona and lie to everyone about how her trip really went. She cringed at the thought of having to deal with friends asking about how her heartache came to be. She needed some alone time in order to heal.

As she stared at the undisturbed surface of the water in the lake, she sighed heavily. It’s been a week yet her burden still felt as heavy as it was before she left the ranch. Who knew that falling in love could be the most difficult thing she would have to deal with? Her high school heartbreak was nothing compared to how she felt.

After tightening the white cardigan around her body, she picked up her small sling bag and her camera before walking back to her cabin. The vacation house her cousin lent her was just a few hours’ drive from her apartment. She wanted to be away from the city life but be close enough so she can drive back whenever she was ready.

The serenity of the nature around her was blissful, and it renewed her dwindling spirit. She needed rejuvenation and she was gradually having it. When she got into the small house, she went straight to the kitchen to pour herself a cup of coffee. Her hands were freezing.

“Can you make two cups, please?”

She nearly lost her consciousness after hearing Rick speak and seeing him calmly seated on the couch. She froze, completely surprised at his sudden appearance and puzzled by the thought that he got in the house even though it was locked.

“How did you get in?” She had to ask. But then, it wasn’t the pressing matter at the moment. “Why are you here? How did you find me?”

“One question at a time.” He raised his hands.

“What are you doing here?” She finally was able to think correctly.

Instead of answering her question, he stood up and walked toward her. The intention he had was clear in his eyes and it made her lean on the kitchen counter for support. He stopped just a few inches away from her, his stare fixed on her.

“Do you know how I almost got crazy looking for you?”

“I got so mad when I found out you left the ranch the same day you refused to give me a chance to explain.”

“There was nothing to explain. I already told you what you needed to know. Just leave me alone.” She whispered helplessly. “Leave me alone, please.”

“You know I can’t do that.”

He held her by the neck and pulled her close to him. He crushed her lips, maddened by the situation they were in. She tried to push him, but he was strong and determined.

Rick lifted her up on the counter top and started removing her cardigan. She wanted to push him again, but when his kisses became sensual and persuasive. It was want she had wanted the whole time. She longed for him. To be touched again by him without holding back.