Daniel chuckled light-heartedly, “That’s okay. Don’t worry your little head about it. But I’m off to the clinic now – just wanted to see if you were awake. Should I drop you off on the way?” he asked.

Blair quickly stumbled to her feet, “No, I got it. You go on,” she said.

“Alright, but inform me once you do get home safely though, okay?” he said, “We don’t want you to go off and get more tattoos, now do we?” he joked and then there was the click of the door and he was gone.

But another flood of realization came back to Blair. Groaning loudly, she hastened her way to the mirror and lifted up the side of her shirt. And there it was.

It was all bandaged up and covered for now but underneath, she remembered all too well what it looked like. In fact, memories of the other night were just coming back to her. How she had completely opened herself up to Daniel and, well, had there been a kiss?

She squeezed her eyes shut, struggling to remember but then there was no uncertainty left in her - yes, there most definitely had been a kiss between them. Mentally groaning, she picked up her phone from the side of the bed.

She had to get out of there pronto.

Janet’s car pulled in Daniel’s driveway a little while later. Blair had texted her to come pick her up – of course, her best friend was the person she would turn to in moments of turmoil.

“Why helllllo,” Janet said grinning as Blair entered the car.

“Not now, Jan,” Blair groaned, “I have a raging hangover and I’m in no mood.”

Janet just started up her car, with the same grin spread over her face, “I did not even know you went out last night, let alone spend the night at some total stranger’s house. You need to spill!” she inquired, her head bobbing up and down in excitement. Clearly, Janet condoned this sort of behavior.

“Can we at least get some coffee first?” Blair muttered, throwing her head in her hands.

A few moments and two cups of coffee later, Blair was now feeling much better. The coffee had kicked out some of her nerves and having had something in her stomach made the hangover better. Not to mention the bottle of water and aspirin she had also taken – provided oh so graciously by Janet.

If there was one thing Janet was expert at, it was how to cure a hangover. Suddenly, her annoying prodding questions seemed to be okay just because of that.

“It was my doctor,” Blair said abruptly once she had finished the last cup of her coffee.

Now, Janet is not really the type of person you can take by surprise so easily but as Blair said those words, Janet just stared back at her speechless with her mouth agape.

“Well? You can say something, you know,” Blair added hastily, suddenly feeling judged.

Janet shook her head violently, “No, no, I’m not – I mean, that is totally okay but-,” she stumbled through a series of phrases until landing on a final one, “how?

“I don’t know okay? I just – sort of went on a whim,” Blair said, a smile creeping up to her features as she remembered the timeline of last nights’ events and how much fun she had spending time with him.

Janet raised her eyebrows at her, “Who replaced my Valedictorian rule following best friend with this total badass who sleeps with her doctor?” Janet chuckled causing a blush to creep up Blair’s features’.

“Stop it, we did not sleep together,” but somehow in the far corner of her mind, she wanted to add yet to the end of that sentence. She shook the thought away as quickly as it came though.

“Oh? Well, then what happened?”

“We just – we kissed a little and, oh, I got a tattoo,” Blair said quietly and Janet’s mouth hung open yet again.

“Oh, no way,” she exclaimed, “Okay I need to see this. Tell me everything! Start from the beginning and don’t leave anything out.”

Half hour and much talking on Blair’s part later, Janet had been filled up with the details of her night and the brunette found herself seeking advice.

“He probably totally digs you,” Janet chuckled. They were outside Blair’s house now.

Blair found herself blushing, even though she was usually not the type. But it seemed in the span of the time she had met Daniel, she had been turning a shade scarlet far more often than what she considered normal or even possible for her.

“You don’t know that,” Blair replied, shooting her a look. “I’ll see on Monday okay?” she told her and then turned her back to her to head back inside.

Once inside the house, Melissa Carter came running at the sound of the door shutting.

“Blair!” she exclaimed, “Where have you been all night? You got me worried all sick.”