“So today I am going to just run a few tests on you – standard stuff, really. Us doctors have to do this every day, so I want you to feel comfortable, okay?” he reassured.

She nodded in compliance, knotting her hands together at the front of the robe. But she could not help but feel a little nervous. Previously, she had been okay with having a pelvic exam performed on her by a male doctor but since meeting Dr. Williams, she realized it might be a little harder.

Still, she gulped back her conflicting emotions and reminded herself what the doctor already told her – he was a professional and he probably did this stuff on a daily basis. She shouldn’t feel weird about it.

“Okay have you had any partners in the last three months?” he asked and Blair felt a blush creep up on her cheeks.

“Um, no actually – I’ve never -,” she said embarrassed.

“Oh – right,” the doctor replied but then smiled reassuringly, “that is perfectly okay. We just need to ask and make sure.”

Blair nodded; already feeling red faced and bothered. It should not matter to her, she reminded herself, but the rush of blood to her cheeks was inevitable.

“Okay, are you ready Blair?”

“Yes,” she almost purred back but then caught herself midway, realizing the horror of her tone.

The doctor raised an eyebrow at this but then chuckled. “Very good,” he remarked in that velvety deep voice and Blair’s two front teeth sank further down her front lip. “Please lay down so we can begin.”

“I want you to relax and try not to make a lot of movement,” the doctor said bending over in front of her and slipping on his latex gloves, “please open up your legs a little.”

Blair suddenly felt immediately self-conscious. Dr. Williams noticed this hesitance at once and began to calm her down.

“Please feel comfortable Blair,” he said, addressing her by name. “I do not want you to hide yourself way or else I will not be able to conduct the exam,” he finished.

“I’m sorry,” stuttered Blair awkwardly, “it’s just – this is weird, sort of? You know – with my mom not being here and you -,” she stopped her sentence right then but what she really wanted to say was that how he was totally not the most conventional looking doctor. In fact, he was very handsome and that was the reason why Blair suddenly felt so self-conscious.

The doctor chuckled yet again, “You are a grown woman, Blair,” he said and Blair felt something stir up inside of her at the words. “You do not need your mother to accompany you on every trip to the doctors now, do you?” he said, looming over her with a devilish smile.

“No, um,” Blair cleared her throat, “you’re right. I guess – I’m just nervous? I didn’t expect to see you here.”

Dr. Williams raised his eyebrow at her as she said these words, “Oh? Well what does that mean exactly?”

“It’s just –,” Blair was awkwardly fumbling around with her words now but thought that she might feel a little lighter and less nervous if she let it out, “you’re much better looking than what I am used to for doctors,” she admitted, the blush deepening to several shades of scarlet.

Dr. Williams roared with laughter hearing this, “Well, well, Blair. I am very flattered that you think so but I am only just your medical health care professional,” he said, still having an edge of delightedness to his tone.

“So it would be best for you to relax now, young Lady,” he told her, “besides, I think it would help you immensely if I told you that this doctor thinks that you are much better looking than what he is used to in patients too,” he said, adding a small wink at the end.

Blair nearly felt as though she would faint – had the handsome doctor just returned her shy compliment and then proceeded to wink at her? Oh my, she felt like she needed to go fan herself, just for that.

“Thanks – I,” she stuttered out awkwardly, “that’s good to know,” she breathed out.

“Now, can you please relax so we can continue with the exam?” he told her in his deep voice and she found herself relaxing immediately. Surely, she could get pass through this without making a total and complete imbecile out of herself. She bit back her lip and opened her legs so the doctor could carry on with the exam.

She heard a snap of the doctor’s gloves as he disappeared from her sight. Then she felt a cold spatula on her downwards. She gulped back and tried not to wiggle too much at the weirdness of the whole exchange but she also felt her breathing sped up. In her entire high school career, she had not had a boy down there but then, there he was, a man much older than her.

She reminded herself sharply that this is only an exam and she should not get so worked up about it. Finally, the doctor emerged back up.

“Very good, Blair,” he told her, holding the small spatula still in his hands and transferring the contents of it onto a small glass slide, “You did well,” he appreciated her as he put the slide away.

Blair slowly got up from her place on the stretcher, “Uh – well, that wasn’t so bad,” she said quietly, “Is it all okay down there?” she asked.

The doctor laughed, “Well, by the looks of it, yes, all seems to be fine but I cannot really say until I’ve sent your cells back to the lab and we get back the results.”

“How long will that be?”

“Not too long,” he reassured her, “I should say, a week. I’ll have the nurse make you an appointment for next week, yes?”