She watched as she licked her slit like it was ice cream over and over again before sticking a finger inside her. She then started moving her finger slowly with her at first. She thrust in and out causing Laura to moan again. When her fingers curled up and found the spot that would make her crazy with need she gasped and lifted her head. She looked up and met Dale's eyes. His eyes were dark with desire and he watched the women caress each other. Sarah caressed every inch of her.

Dale watched the two women and felt himself getting larger and larger. He stared into Laura's eyes as he finally slipped inside Sarah. He drew back before sliding into her. Laura could feel Sarah's moans vibrating against her as he slammed into her over and over again. The harder he pushed the faster her finger slid inside Laura and the harder she sucked her click into her mouth. Finally both women screamed with their orgasm.

“Switch.” The voice coming from Dale had gotten deeper as both women did as he commanded. Laura repeated the process on Sarah's caressing her breasts slowly one at a time while Dale slammed her over and over until all three of them exploded together spent Dale leaned back on the stairs.

Dale looked at the two of them and they smiled at each other. Maybe this experience helped to bring them closer together. They swam around and played in the water for a while and then made love again and again that evening. It seems that there had been a lot of tension and sexual energy with all of the events of the past few days and Laura could definitely feel herself in love with both Sarah and Dale. She never felt so alive and wanted the evening to last forever.

21. Undressed by Dr. Ryan

By: Naughty Nicole

Undressed by Dr. Ryan

©Naughty Nicole, 2015 – All rights reserved

Published by Steamy Reads4U

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

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Chapter 1

If there ever was such a thing as a lobotomy, Ashley was experiencing it. She felt like her brain was being pulled out through her tiny ear canal.

“So tell me about yourself,” the Perry Ellis well-suited man who sat across from her was asking. She was first inclined to answer his question by pointing out how mundane his conversation was, but she kept her mouth shut and sipped on her wine.

The waitress arrived spearing her the need to and for the first time since she has been back on the dating scene she has felt like bolting for the door. How could a man so gorgeous and clearly intelligent, because yes you did need smarts to be a computer engineer, be so predictable and epically liking in juice flowing material?

This has got to be the worse date of my life! I need another drink, she bemoaned her existence internally.

Pouring herself another drink she prepared herself for the conversation to come.

“Tell me about you,” he repeated.

She took a deep breath and tried her best; maybe he was just a bit nervous and needed to warm up some more.

“Well, I am a writer which means I am a little crazy.”

“Crazy?” he asked almost as if she had just told him she was a psycho serial killer and he was her next victim.

“Meaning I see the world with more vivid imagination than the average person,” she soothed his furrowed brows and watched relief wash over his face.

“Ahh okay. And what do you do for fun?”

You mean when I am not out being lobotomized by boring men like yourself, she thought to herself.

“I like to play tennis, read and travel,” she said instead. “What about you?”

He chewed slowly on the piece of calamari he had just elegantly sliced and delicately placed in his mouth. She waited on what seemed like eons for him to respond to her question.