
This book contains graphic content intended for readers 18+ years old.

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Chapter 1

Unbelievable thought Laura. It was the biggest event for the Fairbanks Hospital since it opened 20 years earlier. The banquet celebrating the opening of a new wing to the hospital was the grandest event in town and that jerk Dale was giving the keynote address. She still could not believe how the hotshot Doctor who had been at the hospital for only five years was now the superstar and spokesman for the hospital. Dr. Dale D’Angelo…he is such an asshole thought Laura.

After all, she'd been at Fairbanks for 10 years and was by far a better doctor in her estimate. Ever since she'd gotten to the hospital she devoted her life to making it a better place and had lobbied hard for the new wing. Dale, on the other hand, was lauded as a hero ever since he stepped foot into the hospital. He was tall, handsome, and has a personality that was very powerful yet light. “He has mojo in spades…you could call him Ace,” was how one of the head nurses described him.

But what really stood him apart was the fact that two years ago, as a side project, he had invented an artificial heart valve which has already earned him over $1 billion according to the rumors. What irked Laura even more about Dale than the fact that he was superrich, was the fact that they both were surgeons and, although she didn't want to admit it, he was a damn good one.

The banquet was the place to be. The Mayor was there, along with all the big businessmen in town, and all of the major socialites. Everyone was dressed spectacularly in their best tuxedos and gowns. Classical music played in the background while a fleet of waiters scurried around delivering drinks.

The new wing to the hospital was a major breakthrough, certainly, but Laura felt like it was more of a party for Dale. After all, he was the golden boy inventor of the medical device that saves lives and everybody loved him for it. His reputation was sparkling and he also has a force of personality that everybody like to be around. However, Laura simply believed he was arrogant and overrated even though deep down there might be a touch of envy and office rivalry at play.

Laura felt even worse about the situation because not only was Dale giving the keynote speech and being applauded by everybody but he was also attending with his beautiful wife, Kate, which she despised even more than Dale.

Meanwhile, Laura was still single. She devoted the last 20 years to getting ahead. First, she studied harder than anybody else to receive her degree. Then, right after medical school she got married but, due to her high work volume, she ended up getting a divorce a few months later. In addition, Laura was a bit on the plump side - she was a big, beautiful woman with ample breasts and a luscious bottom. She was at the event with a date but it was with her friend Frank who she had known since college.

“What a wonderful evening,” said Sarah. Sarah was one of the head nurses at the hospital and her and Laura had always been friends ever since they first met a few years earlier. Sarah was quite attractive thought Laura. For the banquet she let her hair down and it went all the way to the middle of her back. At work, she kept it up in a bun, but for the banquet everyone was gussied up and Sarah's normal attractiveness was taken to a whole new level.

“Yeah, I think it's great,” replied Laura.

“Ladies and gentlemen good evening and thank you for coming,” the MC began, as everybody directed their attention towards the front of the room. After a few introductions and speeches congratulating everybody and welcoming the guests, Dale was announced. “And now let me introduce a man who needs no introduction, but first, we make the announcement that the new wing of the hospital is going to be named the “Dr. Dale D'Angelo wing!”

Suddenly the blood began to rush to Laura's face and she almost fell out of her chair. What the hell are they doing? a voice screamed in her head. She couldn't believe it. She put in ten times as many hours working to get that wing built than Dale and now they were naming it after him? Unbelievable thought Laura. It could not have been named after a bigger jerk. She snapped the breadstick that was in her hand and it helped to release a little of her pent up aggression.

“Thank you, thank you,” said Dale as the applause kept coming. “Thank you, no, please, please take a seat.” Finally, after the applause ended and everyone sat back down, Dale continued. “Many, many years ago, we had a dream, we had a dream and now it has finally come to pass,” Dale continued to a thunderous ovation.

Many years ago? He has only been at the hospital for five years and he was talking like he had founded the freaking hospital thought Laura.

Dale continued his speech for a few more minutes as Laura fumed. Suddenly Dale paused and looked around. “But you know, I can't take all the credit for building the new wing, there was one person in particular who worked hard to help get it done.”

Finally, Laura thought, her eyes widened as she fully deserved, in her mind, and expected for Dale to name her as the real driving force behind the new wing. “Sarah, can you please stand up and take a bow?” Dale continued as Laura could swear that he made eye contact with her and gave her a sly wink. Sarah stood up, smiling, took a bow and everybody applauded. Dale continued his speech for more minutes and then dinner started.

After dinner, as people were mingling with each other around the room, Laura made it a point to bump into Dale. “Congratulations big-shot,” said Laura as she found an opening when Dale wasn't being surrounded by his admirers.

“Laura, how did you enjoy the speech?” Dale said as he sipped on his martini. The truth was, Dale knew how much it irked Laura for him to be in the spotlight and get credit for everything. After all, they often worked side-by-side and over time built somewhat of a rivalry. Laura was the senior surgeon at the hospital before Dale arrived, they were coworkers, and then Dale became a superstar. Dale actually liked Laura deep down but he also enjoyed the playful, in his view, rivalry that they had.

“Oh it was great, I'm surprised they didn't name the whole hospital after you,” replied Laura sarcastically as she rolled her eyes.

Dale just gave her a sly smile and a quick wink like the one he gave her during the speech.

“Well, congratulations big man, I suppose I'll see you at work Monday,” Laura said begrudgingly as she walked away.

Chapter 2

“2 CCs…stat,” Dale said to his head nurse as he imagined he was gently squeezed her bosom. All the nurses, in fact, all of the women, in the hospital were mesmerized by Dale. He was an alpha male that made other alpha males look like wannabe beta males. He walked like he owned the place anywhere he was at. He talked very little, usually in short one-liners, but he was very charismatic and had an excellent sense of humor. The nurses always were giggling whenever he said something funny or just when they were in his presence. To be around Dale, for most women, was to be in heaven. Not only that, but he was a first rate surgeon and loved saving lives.

The heart valve he developed saves thousands of lives around the globe and could've retired but he decided to stay on as a surgeon because he enjoys the work so much. Yes, he is a billionaire. But it is more than that to him. He has a way about him that seems almost supernatural. And he isn’t materialistic even though he has tons of money. It is true, he enjoys the finer things in life including his own private jet, helicopter, and his own private island.

When it comes to transportation he likes to mix it up. Sometimes he rides his Harley to work and revs it so loud that everybody can hear him when he pulls up and he usually gives a few extra revs just because he likes it. Sometimes he drives his Ferrari and does a few donuts in the grass area by the parking lot before parking, and sometimes he has his limo bring him to work if he has an inkling to do so. Other times he just flies his custom helicopter to work as he had many talents and many abilities including the ability to fly a helicopter.

Sarah, one of the head nurses, had always had a crush on Dale. After all, just about every woman in the hospital did. Sarah, however, is also best friends with Dale's wife as they had been friends since high school.

Sarah was going over the charts for the day and needed some supplies from the third floor supply room. Why was the supply room so far from her desk? Sarah frustratingly made her way to the room at a speed-walker pace.