Friday dragged on slowly as I sat at home in my nightgown at six in the evening with Ollie resting on my legs. I decided to take the day off because I wasn’t fully where I wanted to be emotionally. I wasn’t crying anymore because I was starting to annoy myself, but I didn’t feel happy either. Who would have known that a job that I loved doing so much would cause me to fall in love with an engaged man?

“I did this to myself.” I said as I stroked Ollie’s fur. If I would’ve kept my meetings with Charles more professional then I wouldn’t be hurting right now. “I bet he’s standing at the altar right now.” Charles said that his bride wanted an evening wedding because it was more romantic. I could picture her walking down the aisle with a beautiful white dress that hugged her slim body. The thought of that made me sick and I turned on the TV to drown the screaming in my head.

I sat there watching TV with Ollie until he eventually got up and went into my room. Apparently my mood made Ollie uncomfortable since he wasn’t able to make me feel better.

“Booze will work.” I said and stood up to walk over to my refrigerator. I still had a half a bottle of Vodka left and it was calling my name. Before I made it to the refrigerator, my doorbell rung followed by several knocks. “Who the hell is that?” I whispered to myself and quickly went into my room and grabbed my robe. I closed the door to my room because I didn’t want Ollie to come running out towards the door. “Who is it?” I called out and I received no answer. I wasn’t expecting any visitors so I expected it to be someone selling something, but when I opened the door I gasped in surprise. “Charles?” I said as I looked at the man dressed in a dark suit with his hair slicked back. He looked absolutely gorgeous. Charles took that opportunity to capture my gapping mouth in his.

“I couldn’t do it.” Charles whispered to me and I wrapped my arms around him and felt tears falling down my face. “I couldn’t marry Joanna when I’m in love with you.” Hearing Charles say that to me made my sobs grow louder. There was so many things that I wanted to ask him. I wanted to ask him where Joanna was at and if he abandoned her at the altar. I wanted to know why he didn’t come to me sooner because I’ve been so miserable. “I’m so sorry.” Charles said and took me into another kiss. The feelings that ran through my body then was unexplainable. I had the man that I loved in my arms and even though I felt sorry for the woman who travelled all the way from Germany to marry him, he wasn’t meant to be with her because he was meant to be with me.

“I love you.” I told Charles and he held me tighter. I didn’t know how he was going to explain this to the people that he left baffled at his wedding, but I knew that whatever he said they’d understand. I knew that he said he wasn’t the type of man to go back on his words because that was a cowboy’s way, but I was happy that he broke this rule for me. Who would have thought that I’d fall in love so quickly with the man that I held in my arms? Who would have thought that in just one week, I’d be walking down the aisle wearing white in a wedding that I planned for myself and have it be the best wedding Montana has seen in twenty years?


Marly and Rick,

an MOB Romance

By: Emily Sharpe

Marly and Rick, an MOB Romance

© Emily Sharpe, December 2015 – All rights reserved

Published by Steamy Reads Publishing

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

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Chapter One

It was the worst bad hair day for her since she started working at The Knot, an events planning company that caters to weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations and even christening. Her company can cater to almost every occasion.

Marly, in her usual blue pencil suit, sat idly at her cubicle while staring at the wedding pictures her most recent client sent yesterday. She wasn’t able to take pictures of her own for documentation because the couple had specifically requested for all photos to be taken by a photographer of their choice. Although reluctant, she had agreed with the terms since the clients agreed to provide the pictures she will be needing for her report.

The photographer did a decent job in capturing perfect moments for the couple, their visitors and the celebration itself, but none of the photos showed what she was looking for. None of it captured the moment that got stuck in her head. She should have been done with her report if she had thought of secretly taking a shot.

“Having a bad hair day?” Erin asked as she sat at the edge of the table.

“I wish this was just a bad hair day. Life would have been so much better.” Marly rolled her eyes in exasperation.

“Richard didn’t get the pictures right again? That idiot.”

Erin came to work for The Knot a year after she started. The woman had always carried a positive vibe around her. She was mostly the source of inspiration for all the events planner when things got too challenging.

“Richard could have nailed the shot if he was allowed to. Unfortunately, this couple had their own photographer and insisted on having a single camera capturing every moment.”

She stood up and grabbed her mug. Coffee. A huge mug of steaming coffee would be a nice diversion. No matter how long she stared at the computer screen, her dilemma would still be the same.

“I heard the boss is negotiating with a filthy rich client.” Erin blurted out while she poured coffee on her cup as well. “The groom is a ranch owner willing to pay millions just to have a perfect wedding.”