“No I walked here; I needed to drop a book off.”

“You walked outside in this heat? You must not live too far from here.” I couldn’t believe that he said that wearing that hot jacket.

“I live about thirty-five minutes away by foot.” His mouth hung open wide and I saw the perfect rows of white teeth in his mouth.

“Are you serious?” he asked incredulously. He shook his head in disbelief, “Look I know that I am a stranger and all, but let me at least take you home. You look like you’ll pass out any minute now.” I couldn’t believe he just offered me a ride home. “I’m sure your mother wouldn’t want you dying from heat stroke out here. That was your mother in the store right?” I smiled on the inside when I realized that he remembered me. That made me so happy.

“Yeah, but my mother told me to never accept rides from strangers,” I said jokily with him. He laughed.

“I bet, especially strangers with motorcycles.” I flushed then. I’m pretty sure that this man knew what the people of our town said about motorcyclists. There weren’t too many people who approved of them. “I won’t hurt you or nothing, besides this town is small. If I hurt you people would find out right away that I was the one who did it.” He stood up then and held his hand out to me and with a blush on my face, I took it. “I’m Justin by the way, what’s your name.” Justin helped me up and held my hand as he helped me walk down the stairs. His hand was large and cool despite the heat.

“I’m Leah,” I said and he went back to the stairs and picked up my bag and handed it to me.

“Very nice to meet you Leah,” With the way he spoke to me and how gentle he was acting, I knew that people were wrong about motorcyclists. Justin had to be one of the sweetest guys that I’ve ever met. I still think he was a bit mysterious, but he didn’t behave anyway like how my mother said that people like him behaved. He got the helmet that was attached to the side of his bike and placed it on my head. I was sure that my curls would be matted and sweated out by the time I got back to my house. My mother was even wrong about this; he did care about my safety. He got on his bike and reached his hand out to help me on. “Hold on tight,” he said once I was in place. I wrapped my arms around his back feeling like I was in a dream. The leather of his jacket was hot to touch, but the way that he smelled drew me in deeper. I closed my eyes as I heard the hum of his engine and felt the ripples of his abs.

Chapter Three

“Can you actually drop me off here?” I yelled hoping that he could hear me with all of the air that was blowing in his ears. I asked him to drop me off around the corner from my home where the city was building more homes. He stopped the motorcycle.

“Sure,” he looked up and down the street. “But I know that you don’t live in any of these homes.” I was glad that he was facing forward and couldn’t see my face.

“I live on the next block, my mother would be pretty mad if I came home this way.”

“I know what people say about us,” Justin said and helped me off of the motorcycle. I didn’t want to take the helmet off because I feared my hair would look terrible, but his hands gently tugged it off of me. “And they’re right.” He said once the helmet was off. I pulled the rag that he gave me out of my purse and wiped my face with it and I pulled matted strings of hair out of my face.

“I don’t think that about motorcyclists” I said looking him in the eyes. “I think you’re kind. You just randomly helped a stranger out without an ulterior motive.” Justin was the exact opposite of what people stereotyped people like him to be like. He was kind, gentle, and so much more. Justin smiled at me.

“Listen to their warning though, they’re not all wrong.” Justin said again and snapped the helmet on the side of his motorcycle. He walked back over to it and got back on. I wasn’t ready to say goodbye yet! I wanted to know more about him and maybe spend some time with him again.

“Justin,” I said nervously. He looked back at me and started up his motorcycle again. I took a deep breath. “I don’t really do things like this,” I used that very clichéd line. “But I’d like to get to know you a little bit better. Can I have your number?” Justin stared at me for a long while and my face began heating up under his stare. He smiled.

“Well…. I can’t say no to such a cute girl.” He said and I grinned. Justin told me his number and I saved it into my phone with lightning speed “Call me sometimes,” He revved up his bike, made a U-turn in the street and was gone. I stood in the middle of the street with a toothy grin on my face. I walked the short distance to my house feeling absolutely amazing.

“I’m home!” I said opening the door to the house. I could smell my mother cooking in the kitchen.

“What took you so long?” I walked into the kitchen and kissed my mother on the cheek. I didn’t know why I did it though. It was probably because I was filled with so much happiness. “What’s gotten into you?” she asked surprised by my sudden affection.

“Nothing much,” I shrugged and looked to see what she was cooking. Pork chops, wild rice, and Brussels sprouts. “Smells good,” I said and went over to the refrigerator.

“Wash your hands first.” My mother said before I touched the door. I walked over to the sink and turned the water on. I felt as if I was walking on clouds and I kept smiling every time I imagined Justin’s face. Today turned out to be a great day. I grabbed some juice out of the refrigerator and headed straight to my room.

* * * * * *

Later that night after my mother and I had got done eating and we went to bed, I lie in my bed staring up at the ceiling. I tossed and turned because I couldn’t go to sleep. Reaching on my nightstand, I picked up my phone. It was after midnight. I wondered what Justin was doing at the moment. I doubted that he was asleep. I wanted to text him to see what he was doing, but I didn’t want to seem like I was desperate. I looked at my phone long and hard wondering what I was going to do. If I didn’t text him, I probably wouldn’t be able to fall asleep because I’d be too busy beating myself up and calling myself a coward. Then I remembered that he’d given me his number, but I never gave him mine. I’ll use this opportunity to text him so that he could have my number. I sent him a quick text. Sorry, I know it’s late, but I never gave you my number. Here you go. This is Leah by the way. I hit send and lied on my side. After ten minutes passed me by without a text, I assumed that he was sleeping. When my phone started vibrating signaling that someone was calling me, I looked at it with wide eyes. I cleared my throat and answered it.

“Hey,” I said trying to seem like I wasn’t surprised by his call.

“Hey you,” his deep voice resonated in my ear. His voice sounded at ease and filled with confidence. “Shouldn’t you be in bed?” he asked me and I chuckled trying my best to keep my voice down.

“Do you know any eighteen year olds with a 12 o clock curfew?” there was a pause for a few moments. At first I thought that he had hung up, but when I looked at my phone and saw that I was still connected with him, I became a little worried.

“You’re eighteen?” he finally asked. Was that bad?

“Yes, is that a problem?” I didn’t know why I asked that question, but I did.

“No, not really,” he said.

“How old are you?” I asked almost afraid by what his answer was going to be. I was starting to think that maybe he thought I was too young to be talking too.