Suddenly, it seemed as though Anne’s entire body had gone still, and a near-scream ripped from her lungs. Her throat was raw at the end of it, and her vision had gone completely starry. In her body, boiling lava coursed through her at an alarming pace. She was almost convinced that it was going to literally burn her up before she could do anything more.

A few moments later, after using Anne as a tool for his own pleasure, Anne felt the sudden spurt inside of her as Quincy’s seed shot into her and filled her to the brim. He pulled out with a grimace, and collapsed next to Anne. Neither of them could barely manage to breathe, but Quincy found the courage to speak up first.

“Can I tell you something, Anne?” he asked. It was the second time in one night that he had to ask for permission from the girl, and in a way, it was starting to grow on him.

Anne hardly had the strength to speak. She simply nodded

“I love you,” Quincy whispered. In a moment, he had pulled Anne close to his body, holding her tightly and avoiding having to look at her for fear of what she might say in retaliation.

Any other time, and Anne might have given Quincy a smart remark. Instead, she held the silence for a few moments longer. Only when their breathing had evened out did she speak.

“I love you, too. No matter who you used to be.”

Quincy let himself smile. A genuine smile that stretched his cheeks and made it hard to see, his eyes scrunched up with joy.

16. RUTHLESS, Sons of Silence

By: Emily Lovell

RUTHLESS, Sons of Silence

©Emily Lovell, 2016 – All rights reserved

Published by Steamy Reads4U

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

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Chapter One

Mother always told me to stay away from the guys who road motorcycles and smoked outside of the liquor store. She told me to never talk to them because they might try to get me to do something that I might regret. My mother also told me to never judge people by the way that they looked, and that was exactly what she was doing.

“Leah,” my mother said as we walked into the grocery store. “I know that you’re eighteen years old now and you think that you’re grown, but you better listen to my warning.”

“What mom?” I asked as I walked down the aisles with my mother.

“You saw those motorcycle boys outside just now didn’t you?” I sighed. Every time mother saw a boy on a motorcycle and I was around, my mother always said something about them.

“Yes I did mother and I’m not going to speak to them.” Mother smiled and kept on walking. I shook my head in disbelief. Mother didn’t normally meddle in my life too much because I did well in school and never got into any trouble, so why did she seem to have this need to always tell me to stay away from people on motorcycles? I didn’t date much and when I did it never lasted long. I honestly didn’t even find any of the guys in the motorcycle club to be attractive.

I wasn’t the best looking eighteen year old in the world, but even I have standards when it came with how I wanted my man to look. My hair is curly and light brown which never came out the way that I wanted it to when I got dressed in the mornings. I’m incredibly short standing at 5’2 and only one hundred and two pounds. I was Latina mixed with an assortment of other nationalities, but I didn’t know a lick of Spanish. My amber skin was flawless and many said that my grey eyes were enticing. Not trying to sound conceited, but I knew that I could pull an attractive man and attractive wasn’t prevalent among the men in the motorcycle club.

“Are you listening to me?” my mother said and I came back down to reality.

“Sorry, what did you say?” my mother sighed.

“I said can you get some milk” my mother repeated irritably. My mother didn’t like repeating herself at all. I nodded my head and walked towards the refrigerator section. I picked up a milk carton, looked at the expiration date, and began the short walk to my mother and that’s when I saw the most beautiful man that I’ve ever seen.

“Excuse me,” his deep voice said as he rounded the corner and I almost ran into him. I blushed at the deepness of his voice. The man had to be around twenty-two or twenty-three years old. His eyes were a deep black and they looked inviting. He had to be taller than me by at least a foot. His skin was tanned and he looked like he wasn’t foreign to working out. I shook my head once I realized I was practically drooling over him.