“I love you, too,” he told her in response.

One Year Later

Hannah and Nick’s decision to stay together did not come without a cost as they still understood that they needed to talk about their issues in depth, lest they be left to fester and grow into poison trees. So they started to attend couples counseling shortly after getting together but their getting together had been more or less been a smooth sailing journey.

They were quickly fell back into their old patterns but this time, they both also embarked on another journey together where they learned the highs and lows of a pregnancy.

Nick was at first a little apprehensive about this change in particular but that evening when he held her hand as she went into labor and after diligent effort, she gave birth to a baby girl, Nick knew right there and then that he was in love with the child and that there was no going back.

They named her Elizabeth.

And soon, she became the center of their universe. They laughed as she laughed and they stayed up nights just to rock her back to sleep. It was one of those things they didn’t realize they needed but when it finally came to them, it was more than they could have imagined having.

Quickly, Elizabeth also became integrated into their close friends and family. Even though they were not secretive about the details of her conception, she was still accepted into their circle as if it was Nick’s and Hannah’s own child.

And in all ways except biological, she was.

“I cannot wait when she finally starts talking,” Nick remarked as he bounced four month old Elizabeth in his lap.

Hannah laughed, “You say that about everything.”

“Because that’s what I feel about everything,” he replied, “It’s like everything she does is like some big new exciting thing for me each time.”

Hannah laughed – fatherhood came naturally to Nick that she wondered why he was ever so apprehensive about having his own children.

“You’re adorable,” she told him as she sat down next to him and took little Elizabeth from his lap.

He grinned and moved forward to catch her hand in her own, “You’re not so bad yourself,” he said, kissing her cheek and then moved forward and planted a kiss on Elizabeth’s cheek as well, “but she’s the most adorable one out of us all.”

Hannah chuckled, “Of course – we do not stand a chance!”

As though Elizabeth realized that she was being talked about, she began to let out small sounds of happiness. Hannah and Nick caught each other’s eye and they knew that Elizabeth was the light of their life now.

13. Mail Order Lies

By: Elisha Cohen

Mail Order Lies

© Elisha Cohen, July 2016 – All rights reserved

Published by Steamy Reads Publishing

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Chapter 1

It had been about five years since my mother passed away. She was the one who raised me- the one who made sure I had clothes to wear and food to eat, all those nights that my father was out getting drunk and running around with five different women. When my mother finally divorced him, her health was failing, and he didn’t even have the heart to see that she had proper medical attention. I looked out my farm house window and sighed. Life, it seemed, didn’t always have a happy ending.