But Nick was quick, as his hands snaked across her waist and turned her over to his side again, “Hey?” he said firmly, “We do not do this passive aggressive stuff. Come on, this is us,” he said softly, nudging her again, “you can tell me.”

She sighed and he knew that it was indication that she had caved, “I don’t know – it’s just a whole bunch of ramblings inside of my brain,” she admitted, truthfully.

“About the wedding?”

She pressed her lips together in a tight line, “Well, partially,” she said, “but, you know.”

“Hey, don’t get cold feet now. I’ll be devastated if a pretty girl like you abandon me down the altar,” he teased, grinning now to lighten up the mood.

Hannah laughed in return and playfully hit his arm with the back of her hands, “Hey, stop it,” she said.

A small moment of silence fell upon them and then Hannah finally decided to get out of her head and speak up, “Nick?” she asked.

“Mhmm?” he replied, he had begun to trace little circles across her stomach with his fingers and seemed perfectly content that way.

“I was wondering,” she started and then paused to search for the right words to say, “Do you... are we still convinced that children are a bad idea?” she asked.

Nick stopped the motion of his fingers and prodded himself upwards to look at her, “Why? Are you thinking about them?” he asked her solemnly.

She did not shake her head but she did not nod either, “Honestly, no,” she finally admitted after a small thought, “but I was only wondering. A fleeting thought in my brain - you know?”

Nick sank back down again and his fingers went back to work with the circles, “You know we cannot even if we tried,” he said quietly.

Hannah sighed – she knew that this was the response she was going to receive in the first place. She wondered why did she even brought it up, “I guess,” she said, “I just – sometimes I get curious okay? What if I don’t want to rob myself off the experience of motherhood?”

Nick was silent for a moment as he let her words sink in – he did not know why she was suddenly expressing her maternal instincts that he had never even known the existence of before. “You are not robbing yourself of anything,” he answered, sounding a little irked, “I mean – we made this decision together.”

Hannah was put off by his tone of words toward her, “Yeah well you seemed to forget that when you were off making decisions for us on your own today,” she said, knowing that this will piss him off.

“What are you trying to say here, Hannah?” he asked, getting up now so that he sat up on the bed instead of laying down.

“Samantha,” she said, not wanting to explain more.

“Oh you have to be kidding me,” he said, running a frustrated hand now through his hair, “Was I supposed to ask you before inviting her? I thought she was a friend!” he said defensively.

She pursed her lips together, “She was definitely not just a friend to you, though.”

“That was years ago,” Nick said as though he found her words extremely incredulous, “You know that I only love you right? I did not know you would react in such an emotional and unnecessary way.”

His proclamation of love calmed her down a little even though she was not still entirely sure what she was anxious for. And then she sighed, “I know – but she just reminds me of that time,” she admitted quietly.

“Babe,” Nick said now turning over to her, “You the only one with my heart. And if you want, I can cancel plans with her and take her invite back,” he offered.

“No, no,” Hannah said, backtracking now, “I was just being silly, I guess. There is no need to do either of those things.”

“Okay,” he said, “but I still want you to know that you are my only.”

She smiled at that and instead of replying in words, she decided to swoop down and peck him on the lips instead.

Chapter 3

It was the day that Nick and Hannah were meant to go see Samantha. Even though Hannah was dreading the event, she had decided to be a mature grown up about the situation and suck it up – for Nick.

It was almost 6 AM by the time they had finally gotten ready for dinner with Samantha. Hannah had done up her hair and makeup well but she had just managed to slip in inside of her dress and needed help zipping it up.

“Nick?” she called out to him from the room, “Where are we going again?” The exact details of the diner had slipped from her mind.

“You know that Japanese place on Ford Street,” he replied stepping out of their closet and Hannah was immediately aware of the fact that he was shirtless. She drank him up for a while and then cleared her throat, realizing that he had caught her staring.