She strolled past the clearing to the woods. Inside, she felt like she was entering a house made of growing trees. Shadows from plants and trees danced around her and she found herself momentarily enchanted by the colorful flowers sprouting from the most unexpected of places. The trees grew sparser, the forest less dense.

Melanie heard a rustle of twigs ahead of her. She followed it and stopped short when she saw a huge moose in a clearing. It was a full grown bull, telling from the enormous antlers. The moose was not aware of her presence and Melanie inched closer. Hidden by a bush, Melanie stood in awe looking at the immense size of the animal – almost two feet taller than Spirit, Carter’s stallion.

The bull moose broke large boughs as he rumbled through the bushes. Melanie lost all sense of time as she observed the animal. The bull emitted a certain power and just watching him made Melanie feel small. Then the bull sniffed and raised his head. Melanie stopped breathing.

He snorted, the sound startling her so and she jumped, breaking the silence with the sound of twigs. He stared right at the tree that partly hid her. He moved forward.

“Don’t move,” a voice said quietly from behind her.

It was Carter. Melanie followed his instructions and did not move. The bull circled the area in front of her and then with a swing of his head turned away. She stood still minutes longer and watched the moose make his way further to the woods. She only allowed herself to breathe when it disappeared from view.

“That was very foolish!” Carter blurted out.

Melanie, knowing the truth of his words did not reply. She turned to face him and inhaled sharply. Carter was easily the most handsome man she had ever seen, she thought. It was a pity that his character did not match his looks. Standing there looking at him, Melanie formed a plan. She gave him a small smile.

“Thank you for coming to my rescue,” she said, her voice polite.

“Are you alright?” Carter asked.

“Of course I am. The moose didn’t come near me after all.”

She followed him out of the woods and back into the clearing. Carter kept throwing glances her way. He expected her to berate him for the situation with Stephanie. It would be pointless, Melanie knew. She appeared serene on the exterior but her heart was pounding hard.

Melanie knew how close she had come to losing her life. Bulls were dangerous and she could have been trampled to death. A shiver rocked her whole body and she saw Carter look at her pensively.

“You’re cold,” he said.

Melanie shook her head. He took a step to her and she took one back. A look of pain crossed his eyes. She did not want Carter’s sympathy and especially his seductive tricks.

“Shall we talk about what happened?” he asked, leaning on the side of his stallion.

Melanie contemplated him and then shook her head. “What’s done is done.”

“What does that mean?” he asked.

“It means that Stephanie is expecting a child – possibly yours - and we cannot undo it,” Melanie aid with exaggerated patience.

“What of us?” he said.

“Time will take care of everything,” Melanie replied, her casual words hiding the pain and betrayal she felt.

Chapter Sixteen

“Today we’re moving the cattle to a new pasture; do you want to come along?” Carter said to Melanie.

She sat opposite him in the long dining room table, picking on her pancakes and sausages. She looked at him serenely and shook her head.

“I thought I would spend the day in the library today. I have a lot of reading to catch up with,” she said.

I miss you, Carter wanted to say. Where had the Melanie he had met gone to? Why could they not talk about it and he could explain himself properly. He was not the rake Stephanie made him out to be. Frustration rose inside him. His breakfast suddenly became distasteful. He pushed his chair back.

“Alright then, I’ll be off,” Carter said, peering into her face to see if he could detect any emotion.

She looked up at him passively and nodded. Carter had a desperate urge to burrow his fist on the table. Instead, he hurried out, afraid of his own emotions. His stallion, impatient to get going, whinnied when he heard Carter’s footsteps.

Working mechanically, Carter saddled the stallion and mounted. With a final glance at the ranch house, he cantered off towards the pastures. He felt empty inside as though he had left part of himself with Melanie. He had no doubt that he loved her. If only she could see the situation for what it was.

The herd was being moved to the northern pasture and already Carter could see his ranch hands moving between the cattle. He had taught them that, Carter thought with a touch of pride. He had learnt that if one got the herd used to the movement of horses between them, it made it far much easier to move them.