Page 81 of Rise

The cameras were top-of-the-line. She saw at once that this man had Alessandro’s gray eyes.

Megan opened the door before she knew it. But she couldn’t speak. Both men were Alessandro’s height and carried his slim build. One had black hair, longer than Alessandro’s, pulled off his face. The other’s hair was short but styled so it stood at the perfect angle, above eyebrows that were just like Alessandro’s.

Megan opened her mouth. But she didn’t even know their names.

“You are Megan?” the one with long hair asked in heavily accented English.

“Yes.” Oh good. Something had come out of her mouth. And it wasn’t vomit. What was Alessandro going to do? “You’re his brothers.”

“Si. I am Leo, and this is Massimo.” The short-haired one lifted a hand in a half wave.

“Right. Hi.” Megan hugged the door to her. She wasn’t sure who she was protecting from whom, but she had to do it anyway. “Um, what are you doing here?”

Duh, Megan. They’re here to check the drains.“We would like to talk to Alessio—Alessandro,” Leo said.

“Yeah. I figured.” God. Where were all her words? Nothing in her database of human interactions had prepared her for this. “How did you find his house?”

“We talked to Lily Liebowitz,” Massimo said. “She called us. We were in Germany. We flew over as fast as we could.”

Of course Lily, through Didi, who knew everything about everybody, would know Alessandro’s address. Megan quickly looked behind them to the street, expecting a camera crew at least. The street was empty, but Lily must be playing the long game. She’d probably told Alessandro’s brothers that they were next on her interview list. After Alessandro’s hints and roadblocks the other day, she was going to punish him.

“You can’t… you can’t just show up,” she said, opening her eyes wide.

“We had no other way to contact him,” Massimo said.

“You should have called through his manager.” And Megan realized the full advantage of having someone to protect you.

“He would not have seen us.”

“He’s not going to see you now.” Megan’s mind ping-ponged with scenarios. He was going to kill them. He was going to killher. He was going to leave through the garage and none of them would ever see him again.

And then Leo did the worst thing he could do. “Please,” he said. “Please, will you help us?”

“Oh no.” She shook her head so hard, her hair fell around her face. Old Megan reached out to him, to be helpful. No matter what it cost her.

“We have to talk to Alessio,” he went on. “We have to ask for our apologies. Please, will you ask him to listen to us?”

“Cara?” Alessandro’s voice came down the stairs behind her.

Megan spun around. Through the open staircase, she saw Alessandro’s bare feet descending the stairs. His brothers were still on the front step. “Hold on,” she said and slammed the door in their faces.

Alessandro, looking delicious in gray pajama pants and nothing else, stopped at the bottom of the stairs and looked around. “Where are the clothes?”

Megan drew a breath from deep in her chest. “Come here, hon.” She pulled him to the kitchen stools, which faced away from the window and front door.

“Cos’è?” he asked, frowning. “Why are you so pale?”

“Listen.” She held his hands in front of him with one of hers. “Your brothers have come here.”

Her hands were useless at keeping him calm. He backed up, scraping the chair on the floor, making a noise that set her teeth on edge. He held on to the counter. “That is impossible,” he said.

His voice was raw and low, even his vocal cords denying the truth. Megan hated hearing him like this. “They want to talk,” she said. “They’ve come to apologize.”

Alessandro looked at her. “And you want me to talk to them.”


“Yes. You want me to talk to them. You are helping them.”