She’d chosen him. Alessandro couldn’t believe it.
Okay, if he were honest, he must have thought it was possible somewhere in his mind or he wouldn’t have called her first and unleashed that embarrassment of emotions all over her.
But who else would he call? Friends, sure. But whom did hereallywant to share this with? Who would be thrilled along with him? Who would know him from his first job in America and appreciate how far he’d come?
So he’d made a total fool of himself and called the office when she hadn’t answered either of her phone numbers. He couldn’t keep this to himself. And after she’d rightfully told him to wait, she’d called him back andshe’d chosen him.
“I am calmer now,” he said. “And I must tell you the reality of coming with me.”
“Kane already warned me about some of it.” She was moving around while she spoke. He could hear her breath change and things landing inside other things. What was she doing?
“Yes, he would know. But he was there for a different reason. I do not want you hurt. And they will try to hurt you. One way or another.”
She paused, and something else landed in or on something. “I’m not just doing this to stand by your side and look pretty,” she said.
“Which you are also very good at.”
“Thanks. Okay, Terry. You can take this one.”
“What are you doing?” Alessandro asked.
“Tell you in a minute. Anyway. I’m coming for me as well. I’m feeling… buried here.” She paused again, and he heard no sounds around her. He imagined her staring into space, figuring out her reasons. He could be upset that she wasn’t just choosing him for him. But that would be pathetic and jealous of him.
“I need a place to get some air, you know?” she went on, her voice quiet. Could people hear her? She must still be at work.
“The air in Hollywood can be suffocating, too,” he had to point out. “First, we have to get through Logan, which does not have a private terminal for commercial flights. We can have a private lounge, but you will have to be ready for people to recognize us until we get there.”
“I don’t mind that,” she said. “If Cate Blanchett can wear a three-piece suit and walk through a public concourse to travel, then I can pull something out of my wardrobe that will satisfy them.”
“I have no doubt.”
“You sound like you’re trying to dissuade me,” she said, her voice hitching up a notch into amusement. “Having just begged me to come.”
“I am begging. And I am also trying to look out for you. It is very hard on my nerves.”
She laughed, which Alessandro loved. He felt that she hadn’t had much to laugh at the last few days. “Okay, then. I’m going home to pack. When are we leaving?”
“You are leaving work right now?”
“Yep.” He heard a drawer close.
“I thought we could leave on the weekend. Don’t you have to request time off?”
“I bet Yasmin wants you there yesterday.” And while Alessandro gaped at her accurate impression of his manager, she continued. “I’m taking a leave of absence. Again, not just for your sake. I’m invited to the ceremony?”
It took him a second to remember what ceremony she meant. “Yes, of course. And other events.”
“Okay. Then I’m taking a leave of absence until then. After that, we’ll see. I’ll stay at The Rosette in LA, so that—”
“Cara, will you not stay with me?”
She giggled. “I might. I was waiting for you to ask.”
“Of course. Would I ask you to come and then put you in a hotel?”
“You might. Okay, that’s all. Oh, hi, Britney. I’d better go. I’ll let you know when I get home.”
She hung up on him. Alessandro stared at his phone. Somehow, he felt she was controlling this journey more than he was.