Page 25 of Rise

“She’s calling me now.”

“Yeah. That’s why I had to get to you first. I’m sorry, Kane. I didn’t plan on anyone—”

“Spit it out, Meg! You’re starting to scare me.”

“Okay. I was with Alessandro Rosselli last night, and someone took our photo. Then—”

“Alessandro Rosselli? The actor?”

Megan walked from her bedroom to the kitchen. How she’d survived this many minutes without her first cup of coffee, she didn’t know. “Yes. The actor. Which is when someone took our picture. And now it’s all over the net. And they know who I am, so pretty soon they’re going to connect me with you, and thenyou’llbe all over the net.”

“I see.”

Megan’s phone beeped with texts. Probably Cat, infuriated that she was being ignored. Megan cared more about the tone of Kane’s voice. Was he mad? Hurt?

“I’m sorry, Kane. I had no idea anyone would take our picture.”

He laughed. “My experience tells me that happens when you hang out with movie stars.”

“I know, I know, but we weren’thanging outlike you’re thinking. He asked me to help him with a charity he supports. It’s just that… other people knew he was there.”

“Hold on,” Kane said. Megan put the phone on speaker and put the coffee on to brew. It wasn’t as good as Roman’s, but it got her out the door in the morning. God, she still had to go to work today. Deal with people who’d all probably know about the photos by nine o’clock. Deal withBritney. Could she call in sick?

“Nice photo,” Kane said. He must have pulled it up. “You’re not seeing this guy?”


“Does he know that?”

She gulped on a laugh. “Yes.”

“Huh.” He paused. “You might wanna check on that.”

“I’m sorry, Kane. I told him this isn’t happening.”

Kane was silent again. Megan distracted herself by getting milk and sugar out, but she did it quietly while she attempted to hear his breathing.

“So it was an option,” he finally said.

“No. He knows about our history.” Wow, the sugar was fascinating today. She realized she’d been scooping it in and out of the bowl, frozen in place with regrets and might-have-beens.

“Well.” Megan heard a voice in the background. Ellen, Kane’s wife. Who’d also been hurt the last time a Fielding got famous. Kane’s voice grew quieter as he told her the situation in a couple of sentences.

“Is Ellen mad?” Megan had to ask.

“Of course not.”

But she couldn’t stand how subdued her usually gregarious brother was being. “Kane. Talk to me.”

“I don’t have anything to say,” he said. “I mean, this isyourlife, Meg. I don’t want something that happened to us to interrupt your social life.”

But he was okay with it interrupting her professional life.

Megan rubbed her chest again. This time the stab had been pure, unadulterated guilt. Kane had done everything for her and their sisters. So she didn’t give speeches. So she avoided cameras. It was a small price to pay for his peace of mind.

“It hasn’t. It won’t. We’re just working together on this fundraiser, and that’ll be it.”

“Okay. Thanks for giving me a heads-up. I’ll talk to Leo.”