Page 52 of Rise

She looked at him quickly, then remembered her face had to be a puffy mess. She covered it with one hand. “Yes.”

“Then I will make use of it if that is all right. I need to keep my workouts regular or my producers willreallybe mad at me.”

“You’re staying?”

“If you will allow me,” he said.

Megan shook her head. “I’m a mess.”

“You are resetting yourself. I would like to keep you company for the next couple of days while you do that. If you would like.”

She flung her arms around him, sending them both to the floor. “Yes,” she said. “Yes, you polite, caring, beautiful man. I would love to close the world outside and stay here with you.”

“Good.” He laughed and kissed her before setting her back on her own butt. “Go to bed.” He pointed to the bedroom. “I will deal with Yasmin.”

“What if… what if she calls me back?”

“You are allowed to set a boundary with Cat. For now. When my family and I fought, we didn’t set boundaries, and we said a lot of things that were very hurtful. A… breather, I think is the word, is what you are looking for. Just for this weekend.”

Chapter 15

Megan slept. And slept. She roused when Alessandro brought her food but barely stayed awake long enough to eat it. When she got to a point of being able to ask what time it was, she was shocked to find it was eleven o’clock on Sunday morning.

“This is when I should be driving to my sister’s,” she told Alessandro while she sipped his coffee.

“Do you want to go?” he asked.

She thought about it. “I’m tired,” she said.

“So rest,” he answered simply. And the decision was made.

She woke again later that afternoon. Blinking motes out of her eyes, she sat up, and her hands went at once to the tips of her hair. Not going to the family home on a Sunday had drawn a line in the sand. And Megan was going to have to deal with whatever fallout it caused.

She stumbled out of the bedroom to find Alessandro in her largest easy chair, in those adorable thick reading glasses, reading a book. Even with bedhead and worrying about the future, Megan had to admire him. Was anything sexier than a man reading a book?

“Hey,” she said and cleared her throat. Her voice was scratchy from disuse.

“Hey!” he answered, jumping to his feet. He was wearing black jogger pants and a tight dark-gray T-shirt and looked like a hug in a human. Which he then proved by enclosing her in his arms.

“How did you get out and back?” she asked, her voice muffled in his chest.

“I told them to use a regular car and to come to the parking lot entrance in the back,” he replied. “It worked going out, but they figured it out on my way back.”

Megan looked to the windows. He’d pulled down all the blinds, closing out the nighttime view and protecting them from drone cameras. “You’ve thought of everything.”

“Not my first rodeo.” He smiled. “That is the phrase, right?”

“Right. Have you had food? I don’t think I had much—”

“Our driver delivered,” he assured her. “Come sit at the counter, and I will make you dinner.”

“Don’t,” she pleaded. “I can’t take you being so nice when I look like this.”

He stopped in the middle of pulling her into the kitchen area. “You are right,” he said, nodding his head seriously. “I had not thought of it like that. I should leave.”

She poked him.