When I’m satisfied the flat is clean, I ring Tatiana.
“I have set up the meet with the buyer,” she says when the call connects.
“I don’t care.”
“Daniel?” Her voice holds concern as well as a harsh edge. “What are you talking about?”
“Ulrich made his move. One...I did not expect. That plan we spoke of last time he threatened to be...trouble. How quickly can you set it in motion?”
“Forty-eight hours.”
“Not good enough.” I sink down on Gemma’s bed, pulling her pillow close to my chest. “I need everything ready to go in ten. Or less. And I need the Lady.”
Tatiana’s tone sharpens. “What happened? Why now?”
“He has Gemma.”
“Who is...Gemma?” The accusation hangs heavy in the air, and anger flares bright and hot.
“Be very careful with your next words, Tatiana. You work for me. And while I will never be able to repay you for all you have done over the years, I also know many of your secrets.”
She sucks in a breath.
“Gemma is the assistant curator at the British Museum.” I squeeze my eyes shut for a moment, then admit the truth. “And I think I’ve fallen for her. Ulrich broke into her flat and took her. He will hurt her. She means nothing to him. And everything to me.”
Explaining my actions—how Gemma became more than a mark—to Tatiana grates, but I need her to understand why I have to do this. As I finish, my primary mobile vibrates. “This is too soon,” I mutter, but the words die in my throat when I see Gemma’s battered face come into focus.
The worst part of the video is the betrayal and shame in her eyes as Ulrich tells her who I am. What I am. Why I first approached her. Tears stream down her cheeks, and her entire body shakes as she moans weakly. The knife at her throat draws a single bead of blood, and all I can see is my future, Gemma’s future, slipping away from me.
“Daniel. Daniel!” Tatiana snaps at me. “Focus. If you want this woman to live, you need to listen to me. We have much work to do.”
She’s right. But on screen, Ulrich grabs Gemma by the throat and propels her into a small, dark closet. And when he slams the door, her screams are all I hear.
* * *
How long have I been here? The hours blend together. Endless darkness, Nora’s cries—or are those mine?— and the cold. So cold.
My throat is raw from screaming, and the tape has torn at my lips. I tried to throw myself against the door, but my left leg won’t hold my weight, and with my wrists tied, every movement brings more pain. The ropes are sticky with blood now, and my fingers are numb.
The lockthunks, and bright light floods the small space. I can’t see anything but a massive shadow. Matthias, I think. He yanks the tape from my lips, pulls my head back by my hair, and pours some water down my throat.
It tastes so good, I try to swallow as much as I can, but too quickly, he tosses the bottle away. He doesn’t bother to put the tape back on when he locks me in the dark once more, but i can’t manage more than a hoarse whisper.
There’s a giant hole inside me. It burns, both hot and cold, right where my heart used to be. I trusted Daniel. Icaredfor him. And he used me. I’m nothing to him. Just a pawn. One who’s time is quickly going to run out.
Curled in a corner with my eyes screwed shut, I picture my bedroom. The purple duvet, the scarves that give the lamps such a beautiful glow. Too quickly, though, the vision fades, and there’s only endless darkness and my sister’s faint cries as she begs me to help her.
Hours pass before I hear voices in the basement. “You are certain? Our men will be in place?” Ulrich.
“Yes, Herr Ulrich. They know to wait until the painting is safe and then kill Hastings...slowly.”
Oh God. I knew. From the moment they took me, I knew they’d never let me go. Me or Daniel. But hearing it... I start to hyperventilate and shrink further against the wall, my bound wrists aching and sending sparks down my numb fingers.
If they’re down here, they’re going to come for me, and I don’t know if I’ll live more than another few minutes.
I yelp as someone unlocks the door. “Please,” I beg when I get a whiff of Ulrich’s breath. “I...I’ll forget...all of this. Just let me go.”