Page 26 of Descent

I can’t leave the safety of my seat unless I know where he is. My back is to a wall and I’m in front of everyone up here, but the moment I head out on the dance floor to dance with Charity or grab myself something to drink, I’ll have no idea where the bastard is. He could easily sneak up on me.


I wish there was some way I could get Charity to kick him out without telling her why. There isn’t, but that would make my life much easier.

As I’m pondering ways to get Calvin ousted and picking at my salad, I register movement from my peripherals. My stomach plummets as I look to see who is moving toward me and I seehimin his expensive suit with navy pinstripes, tailored to perfectly fit his toned, muscular body.


I guess I found him.

Chapter Eight


Anyone watching would think Calvin looks damn good as he approaches, might even feel jealous of the attention he’s giving me as he pulls up a chair and takes a seat beside me.

Obviously, that is not how I feel.

My lungs feel paralyzed having him so close. Tension gathers in my shoulders and I try to formulate words, but I’m too stunned by his audacity.

He made it clear he wasn’t afraid of me last night when I threatened to tell on him. Since it’s clear I didn’t, perhaps he feels emboldened to approach me in front of everyone like this here, but I can’t fathom that. I can’t imagine being so indifferent to the comfort of someone I hurt so maliciously. I just can’t wrap my head around it.

“Wow,” I say, since I can’t think to say a single thing else.

He cocks an eyebrow and reaches over to set a drink down in front of me.

I hadn’t noticed he was carrying two.

I can’t believe he thinks I’ll drink something he brought me.

I can’t believe him, period.

“You seemed thirsty,” he remarks.

“I would happily die of dehydration before drinking anything you handed me.”

Apparently unconcerned, he leans back in his stolen chair, spreads his thighs to indicate he plans to stay for a while, and takes a leisurely drink from his glass. “We can trade if you’re worried I drugged it. I didn’t,” he adds.

“Oh, well, as long as you say so, then obviously I believe you.”

“Drugging you wouldn’t do anything for me. It’s the struggle I enjoy. You can’t very well struggle if you’re passed out, now, can you?”

His words ignite fury deep in my core, heating my blood and bringing a rush of color to my cheeks. “Have you any decency at all?” I demand, glancing around to make sure no one heard him.

“None,” he says flatly, then smiles.

“Self-preservation, then,” I snap, my gaze sliding back to his. “You got what you wanted, now leave me alone.”

“Mm.” His gaze rakes over me, an almost possessive glint in the stormy depths of his eyes. “See, that’s the problem. It should’ve been that simple. I don’t know why it wasn’t. All I do know is you’re all I could think about long after you left last night, and I wanted to see you again.”

I don’t know how to respond to that. If he were anyone else, I would do the polite thing and say thank you. It sounds enough like a compliment, if a truly twisted one.

After I violated you last night, I really wanted to do it again, so here I am.

What a prince.

I try to swallow past a lump in my throat, but my mouth is too dry. I nearly reach for the drink, but then I remember it was hand-delivered by Satan himself and stop short. “Should I be flattered?” I mutter, giving up on eating and crossing my arms instead.