Page 135 of Descent

I try to bite back a smile, but fail. I look up at him. “You’re insane, you know that?”

He could be offended, but he’s not. “So I’ve heard.”

My amusement brings him pleasure, or maybe it’s just my presence. Whatever the reason, I can’t deny I feel intensely admired when I’m around him—to the point of sheer lunacy, even. In my wildest dreams of how much a man would want me, I could never have dreamed up one willing to go to the lengths he will to have me.

He doesn’t play fair, but I can’t deny he certainly makes me feel valued.

The way I’ve always dreamed about feeling with the man I would marry.

He may not be exactly what I imagined for myself—okay, notremotelywhat I envisioned, but it’s hard to deny that I am drawn to him, even if he’s a raving fucking lunatic.

I’m not enticed by the promise of lavish gifts or trips I could never afford to take without him, but I am very much tempted by the prospect of feeling loved.

Our gazes lock again, and this time I ask, “You really think we could be happy together?”

Nodding confidently, he says, “I know we can. You just have to decide the same thing.”

I watch him for a few more moments, then I say, “You want to know something funny?”


I sigh, gazing at the handsome lunatic. “If you had just asked me out to begin with? I would have said yes.”

I expect him to be surprised, but he’s not. Grinning wickedly, he says, “Aw, now where’s the fun in that?”

Shaking my head at his depravity, I roll my eyes, then I roll over so my back is to him. “Goodnight, crazy.”

His arm slides around my waist and he pulls me back until my body is pressed against his. He lifts his head and kisses the bare ball of my shoulder, then he murmurs, “Good night, little dove.”

Chapter Forty


Given my new, tentative acceptance of this absolutely ludicrous engagement, Calvin decides it’s time for us to meet each other’s families.

Because he is the human embodiment of “go big or go home,” he also makes plans to accomplish all of that in the same weekend.

Both of our families live within day trip distance, but we book my mom first because I suspect she will be easier. I’m not sure how she will feel when I tell her—surprise!—I’m engagedandpregnant by a man she has never even heard of, but because Calvin’s idea of a bouquet of hostess flowers is thedeed to her house, I’m expecting her to love him.

Calvin said it would be simplest to put the house in my name instead of hers. Since I’ll be his wife soon and New York is a community property state, what’s his is mine.

“Does that meanI’mrich now?” I joke.

“Yes,” he says, not joking.

I’m still not so sure about that. I’m still not so sure abouthim, but the last thing I want is for my mom to doubt that I’m happy, so I don’t entertain thoughts like those on the way to her house.

Calvin sits beside me in the limo. We probably should have traveled in something less obnoxious given how far away it is, but Calvin likes to make an impression.

I get all the phone time I want this weekend since we’re playing the parts of a totally normal couple for our parents. While we’re riding to her house, I play my mobile game since I haven’t been able to do much of that lately.

“Did you tell your mom we’re about a half hour away?”

“Not yet,” I say, my eyes glued to my screen as I consider whether I want to purchase coffee beans or potatoes.

“Is there anything special we could stop and pick up in town? Something she considers a splurge. Maybe a dessert from a bakery, something like that?”

I finally glance up from my screen to look at him. “Calvin, you’re buying her ahouse.You don’t have to also bring pie.”