Page 120 of Descent

Though I guess it could be that it’s really early.

I want to know what time it is, but there’s no digital clock on either bedside table. I didn’t get to set my alarm for work yet, either. I usually set the one on my phone, but I obviously don’t have it on me.

I guess I can ask Calvin to set an alarm for me, but I’m not sure when he leaves for work. I usually stay asleep for a while after he leaves, so that might not work.

I roll on my side facing him so I can ask how to handle my alarm situation, but I’m distracted by how handsome he looks with so much moonlight spilling in. I’m struck by the impulse to curl up close to him for a snuggle, but then I remember I just threw up, and he probably won’t want me cuddling him.

“How do you feel?” he asks, seeing I’m awake.

I reach overhead and arch off the bed to stretch. “Good.”

“Yeah?” He sounds skeptical.

I nod and smile. “I promise.” I’m still tired, and I’d like to curl back up and go to sleep, but I need to brush my teeth first. “I’ll be right back, I have to pee,” I tell him.

“Take this.”

I’m already off the bed, but I turn back to see what he wants me to take.

He hands me a rectangular box that wipes the smile right off my face.

A pregnancy test.

My heart sinks and my gaze darts back to his face.

“Just so we know,” he says.

“Know what?” I drop the test on the bed like it’s on fire. “My god, are you serious? No. No. No, no, no. No way. I am not pregnant.”

“Probably not, but let’s make sure.”

He’s too calm. My entire being is flooded with utter panic, but he’s discussing this like it’s not the most fucked up possibility in the whole world.

I can’t be pregnant.


I only met him… how many weeks has it been? I try to think, but I come up with too many. That can’t be right. My period comes pretty regularly, every 26 to 28 days. I haven’t had one since before I met him. Should I have had one by now?

“I need my phone,” I tell him. “I need to check—what’s the date? When was Charity’s fucking wedding? I can’t think.”

“Calm down.”

“Don’t tell me what to do,” I snap. “You’ve cut me off from the world and I don’t even know what day it is!”

I hear him rip back the comforter as I make a beeline out of the room. I don’t head for the bathroom. I head down the hall, through the living room, and go to Calvin’s office where I know my phone is stashed.

I’m not sure what my obsession with the phone is. I haven’t really minded not having it these past few days, it just feels like if I can get my hands on my phone, I can get my hands on my life and make sure I’ve only known him for a handful of days, and definitely not enough days to be pregnant and showing symptoms.

My god, if I’m pregnant, that might mean… would that mean it happened that night in the dungeon?

No. Nope, that cannot possibly be the case.

“There is no benefit whatsoever to making yourself so upset,” Calvin says, walking through the doorway and stopping just inside the room.

He’s not naked anymore, he’s wearing a pair of black sweats slung low on his hips. His Adonis belt is visible, something my idiotic body feels compelled to notice, but my brain is in full-on panic mode and convinced my phone is the answer to all life’s problems.

“I need my phone.”