Page 119 of Descent

Something must be wrong with me because my heart flips, but then I feel tension between my thighs. I look up at him, my teeth sinking into my bottom lip. I can feel vulnerability glinting in my eyes, and it must please him because his handsome mask of hardness softens just a bit and he caresses my face with his now-wet hand.

Hot spray beats down on his muscular back and then my hands as I reach around him. I know I need to hang on because he got in the shower with me for the first time the other day, and I definitely needed a safety bar to hold onto.

It’s such a coupley thing to do, showering together.

His hands move lower and cup my ass, then he lifts me like I weigh nothing at all.

My stomach drops at the feeling of my feet leaving solid ground. I’m quick to secure my legs around my waist even though I know he won’t drop me, but something feels off. Wrong. My head swims a bit and I glance at the shower head.

Is it too hot?

Nerves move through me. I plant a hand against Calvin’s chest and push him away gently. “Can you let me down?”

I’m not looking at him. I’m distracted by the odd feeling in my body, focusing on other things to make sure my vision doesn’t sway.

“Now,” I say more sharply.

Calvin lowers me carefully, frowning and looking me over with concern. “Are you all right?”

I shake my head. “I don’t know. I don’t feel right. I need to…” I place a hand on the wall to keep myself steady and open the shower door. I’m not done, I haven’t conditioned my hair yet, but I can’t shake the feeling that I’m going to pass out. I need to get out of this hot bathroom.

Calvin follows me out, stepping ahead of me and grabbing a white fluffy bath towel off the counter. I see that he laid myAristocatspajamas out for me to wear tonight. “Are you all right?” he asks, drawing my focus away from the pajamas. “Do you want me to get you some water?”

I nod. “Yeah, that’s probably—”

I stop mid-sentence, feeling a sickening surge, and walk as quickly as I can to the toilet with my feet still wet. I make it just in time to lean over and hurl into the toilet.

Ew, ew, ew.

Oh, that’s so gross.

I’m a little shaky as I sit back on my butt by the toilet, and more than a little horrified.

Calvin is standing in the open doorway of the bathroom partition. I quickly close the toilet lid and reach up to flush.

Wordlessly, he passes me the glass of water.

I take a few shallow sips to get the taste out of my mouth, then look up at him. “Thank you.”

His brow is creased with concern, his gaze locked on my face. “Are you feeling sick?”

I shake my head no. “Not now. I’m so embarrassed, that was so gross.”

“You’re sure?”

“My head hurts a little, but aside from that, I’m fine.”

He watches me for a moment, then apparently decides he doesn’t believe me. He helps me up off the floor and takes me to the bedroom.

I assure him again that I feel completely fine now, but he still makes me get in bed.

Once I’m there, bed feels amazing. I close my eyes and nestle into the haven of down blankets and silk sheets, and before I know it, I’m out.


When my eyes open, Calvin is lying in bed beside me. He isn’t sleeping, though. He’s lying on his side, watching me. His muscular upper body is bare. His bottom half might be, too, but I can’t tell because he has a sheet draped across his hips.

The room is usually darker, but he left one of the blinds open, probably so he could keep an eye on me. That single window lets quite a bit of light in and tricks me into thinking maybe it’s not super late.