Page 60 of Descent

His smile widens. “Stick with me, baby. You’ll get the full experience.”

Heat hits my cheeks when he calls me baby, even though he was just joking.

This night is… unbelievable. The food, the atmosphere…

The company.

I try to ignore that little whisper in the back of my mind. I know I shouldn’t enjoy spending time with him. It’s insane after what he’s done, no matter how many museums he rents out.

I grab my wine glass and take a sip, watching him over the rim. The waiter hasn’t let my glass go empty since we sat down, so I’m starting to feel it.

Maybe it’s not just the alcohol.


Shaking off the errant thought, I swallow the wine and put the goblet down so I can get back to my incredible dessert.

Even though it’s insane to be able to ignore such a decadent dessert, Calvin doesn’t seem as interested in it as I am. He leaves it untouched on the table, his attention focused on me instead.

“I’d like to take you out again next weekend,” he states. “We can have dinner, see a show. You like Broadway?”

My lips curve up slightly. I don’t look at him. “Yes, I do, but I’m not going on another date with you. We’ve already discussed this.”

“We have, but remember what I said the first time we spoke about me not accepting answers I don’t like?”

“I do,” I answer. “I also remember me agreeing to just one more date. They were even your terms.”

“Just because that contract is up doesn’t mean we can’t negotiate a new one,” he states, like this is a business deal instead of… whatever it is.

“Unfortunately for you, I’m not interested in the position,” I say lightly.

“Unfortunately for you, I’m not interested in anyone else,” he states immovably.

I scoop up another bite of delicious dessert and bring it to my mouth. As I chew, I meet his gaze across the table. I can see it in his eyes, an unwillingness to relent. It’s not even a possibility in his mind that this will be our last night together.

I don’t want to challenge him. I can sense that’s the wrong move. But I can’t spend any more time with him, either. It would be crazy.

Rather than rebuff him outright, I try a different tack. “I don’t understand why you’re even so interested in me, to be honest. Surely you have your pick of just about any other woman you want. You have plenty to offer.”

His lips tug up, but with hardly any amusement. “I know what I have to offer. I also know what I want, and right now, it’s you. It’s not like you have to agree to marry me, just a few more dates. Save yourself the trouble and say yes now, before I have to put in more effort.”

I shake my head. “I appreciate you arranging this date tonight and I won’t forget it. I won’t forget you, obviously,” I murmur, though less to appease him this time and more because I realize the permanence he will have in my memory. Some memories fade, but others have staying power. You can forget the man you had a bad date with, or even the man you had a great date with, but the man who does the things to you that this one has done to me…

He’ll be sticking with me, all right.


I don’t use that word since I remember how he responded last time I did, but that thought flickering through my mind dulls some of my appreciation for this extravagant evening he organized and makes it easier to finish succinctly. “But after tonight, we’re finished—just like we agreed. No negotiation, no extension. Just finished. That’s it. The end.”

“You don’t really believe that, do you, Hallie?”

“I do,” I say a touch stubbornly.

Pulling a disappointed face, he says, “Pity. I thought you were more intelligent than that.”

My eyes narrow at the insult. “I’m not sure what’smoreintelligent than avoiding spending time alone with a rapist, actually.”

His eyebrows rise at my use of that word, but he doesn’t dispute it.