Page 97 of Legally Yours

“Can you pick us up some dinner? I’ll let you know what room we’re in.” Brandon looked back to me. “What sounds good?”

I shrugged. I couldn’t have cared less about eating. I just wanted to see my dad.

Brandon muttered something else to David, who nodded and left. Brandon guided me toward the hospital entrance. I hadn’t been able to contact Bubbe since she had turned off her cell phone—or forgotten to charge it, most likely—so I had no clue about my dad’s current state. I was terrified of what I might find out.

We were directed to the ICU, where I had to wait outside for the on-call doctor. Brandon went to get me some tea, then returned to sit with me on the cold leather bench.

“Skylar?” he asked as he slid his arm around my back.

I took a sip of the tea. It was terrible: cheap garbage that tasted more like tap water than anything else.

“Skylar,” Brandon tried again, finally getting me to look up at him. “I have to ask. Who did this to your dad?”

I swallowed. I knew I was going to have to answer this question eventually; I was surprised he’d been patient enough to wait four hours. Brandon had overheard the one conversation I’d had with Bubbe on the way down and had undoubtedly gathered that Dad’s injuries weren’t just by accident.

I sighed. This wasn’t the kind of thing a man like Brandon Sterling wanted to be involved with—a family trapped by a gambling addiction and small-time mobsters. This was my fault. I’d selfishly ignored what was going on with my dad for the last two months. If I didn’t know anything, there was nothing to tell. And if I didn’t tell him anything, Brandon wouldn’t feel obligated to get involved. All he needed was for Victor Messina to figure out my connection to him, and the two-bit thug would be asking for a lot more than whatever my father owed.

But now Dad was paying an immense price for my self-imposed ignorance. Now I couldn’t lie.

“My dad’s…in trouble,” I said slowly after taking another sip of tea. “He likes the track too much. He was able to stay away for the last few years, but it looks like he fell off the wagon. Really hard.”

Brandon grimaced knowingly. “Ah. So, he owes some heavies, and they fucked him up for it.”

I nodded. “Looks that way. I don’t think I should tell you much more.” Unable to meet his eyes, I drank more tea.

Brandon frowned. “No, you should tell me everything.”

“No,” I insisted vehemently. “You know what I mean. Youreallyshouldn’t know anymore.”

His eyes widened as the underlying meaning of my words hit home. He twisted his mouth around as if weighing the pros and cons of pressing the matter. Then he brightened.

“Give me a dollar,” he said. “You could hire me, and then we’ll have attorney-client privilege, and I can’t be subpoenaed if it ever comes to that.”

I smiled wryly. “Pretty sure defending me would qualify as attorney misconduct, Mr. Sterling.”

“Please. No one in Massachusetts has ever been disbarred for sleeping with clients. If that were the case, there would be no more public defenders in the tristate area.”

I snorted. “Whatever. I don’t want you anywhere near this,” I insisted. “The last thing you need in your life is a scandal.”

Brandon started arguing, but was interrupted by the squeak of rubber soles on tile. We both stood up.

“I mean it,” I told him, then turned to greet the doctor.

“Ms. Crosby?” she asked with a kind smile. “I’m Dr. Carraway.”

I nodded. “Hi, nice to meet you. This is my—”

“Boyfriend,” Brandon cut in. “Brandon Sterling.”

I rolled my eyes at his alpha-behavior, even if I did like him introducing himself that way. I was still getting used to it. The doctor raised her eyebrows. Great, all we needed was my dad’s doctor to be aForbesmagazine fangirl.

Luckily, I didn’t have to worry.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Sterling, but visiting hours are over. Only immediate family is allowed in the ICU right now. You’ll have to wait here or in the lobby,” said Dr. Carraway firmly. As Brandon started to argue, the doctor held up a hand and shook her head. “No exceptions.”

I tiptoed up to kiss Brandon on the cheek. “It’s fine. Go to the hotel. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Absolutely not. I’ll wait for you here—” he started to protest again, but I shook my head firmly.