Page 109 of Legally Yours

“Just leave it alone. Promise me you’ll leave it all alone.”

Brandon sighed, his handsome features contorted with frustration. But he must have seen something that changed his mind; his frown disappeared and was replaced by sadness and maybe a little understanding. He exhaled through his nose and touched his forehead to mine.

“All right,” he said quietly. “We’ll do things your way for now. But if things go wrong…”

“You can step in,” I finished. I tipped my head up for another kiss. “That’s a promise.”


“All set?” I took the discharge papers from Dad and handed them back to the nurse.

She nodded. “That’s it. An attendant will be up shortly with a wheelchair.”

Dad was already trying to swing his legs out of bed, but the nurse stopped him with a wave of her hand.

“If you just wait, sir, the attendant will help you,” she said. “Hospital policy.”

“Better do what she says, Danny.”

Brandon hovered in the corner, nodding to the nurse as she ducked out of the room with a schmaltzy smile. I rolled my eyes at her—several of the hospital staff—male and female—had been making excuses to come into the room since Brandon had arrived with me this morning. To his credit, he hadn’t been anything but distant and polite to any of them, but it was irritating just the same.

Dad sat back with a resigned sigh. The nurse had helped him dress in the sweats I’d brought from the house, so at least he wasn’t stuck in a hospital gown anymore. Before he could respond, a loud buzz from Brandon’s phone rang out.

“I should probably take this,” Brandon said. “Hello?”

A shrill female voice blared unintelligibly throughout the room, and immediately Brandon’s easygoing demeanor vanished.

“She fucking WHAT?!” he exploded. He looked up to find Dad and me both staring. “Hold on. I’m at the hospital with Skylar.” Brandon covered the phone speaker with his hand and looked at us with an uneasy expression. “I, ah, need a minute. If I’m not back by the time the attendant comes, I’ll meet you downstairs. David is already there with the car.”

Without waiting for a response, Brandon ducked out. I turned to Dad, whose bemusement was evident even beneath the layers of bruises and a nose brace.

“Got a temper, doesn’t he?”

I looked back at the door. “Not usually. I hope everything is okay.”

Dad nodded. We sat silently together, watching the news while we waited. A few minutes later, Brandon returned with his frown lines more pronounced than usual and his hair sticking up in the back. It obviously hadn’t been the best phone call.

“Everything okay?” I asked warily.

He ran his hand through his hair again, trying in vain to smooth it out. His efforts only made it worse. “Not really. Something’s come up. I’m so sorry, but I have to get back to Boston. There’s a deal that’s gone to shit. Ah, sorry, Danny.”

My dad waved away the profanity with his good hand. “Like I ain’t said worse a million times.”

I walked to where Brandon stood. As if programmed, his hands moved immediately to my waist and pulled me close.

“When are you leaving?” I asked.

“There’s a helicopter on standby downtown,” he murmured. He inhaled deeply, as if to breathe in as much of my scent as possible.

“Okay. Should I call a cab?”

Brandon shook his head. “No, I’m getting one. David will still take you home before he drives back to Boston.” He released me with one arm and turned to face my father. “Danny, I hope it’s not overstepping, but I’ve also arranged for a home aide for the next several weeks to help Skylar and your mother while you’re out of commission.”

“Oh, you really didn’t have to—” Dad started, but was swiftly interrupted.

“It’s the least I can do since I don’t get to see your daughter for a few weeks.” Brandon released me completely and stepped over to Dad to shake his good hand. “Take care, Danny.”

Dumbfounded, Dad nodded and mumbled his thanks.