Page 5 of Baby Daddy

“Marital status. Children. Type of residence.”

Hutch took a deep breath. “We live in an apartment. She’s single. Lonnie—he was my dad—took off five years ago.” He shrugged. “I guess I shoulda said divorced. The papers came through a while after he left. As for children... I’m it. So the guy won’t have to worry about having any sniveling brats around. It’s just the two of us and I won’t give him any trouble.”

Ty lowered his gaze at the telling comments. “I’m sure you won’t.” Poor kid. Calling his father by his given name. Did he realize how desperate he sounded to find a replacement? Doubtful. The boy had it all figured out... or thought hedid.

“Okay. What’s the next question?” Hutch demanded.

Ty flipped to the second page. “What would her ideal partner be like? Any idea?”

“A cowboy.”

“Come again?”

“Or a rancher.”

“You’re kidding.”

“Well, it’s the only kind she hasn’t tried yet.”

Uh-oh. “Tried?”

“Yeah. Places we’ve lived and stuff.”

Ty tapped his pen against the application form. It was the “and stuff” that bothered him. Did Hutch mean that the way it sounded? Had his mother tried out various types of men, seeking the perfect partner? Ty’s mouth tightened. For some reason, it bothered him to consider that possibility, especially after seeing Cassidy Lonigan’s wide, generous smile and the hint of vulnerability peeking from big gray eyes. “You move around a lot?”

“Have to. At first we were keeping up with Lonnie. Now Mom’s trying to find us the perfect home.”

To go with her perfect man? “I gather she hasn’t found it yet?”

“Nope. That’s why I decided to help. Her way isn’t working.”

“And you think this will?”

“You use that computer sittin’ there, don’t you?” At Ty’s agreement, Hutch nodded in satisfaction. “Then it’ll work. Now, what else do you need to know?”

Deciding a change of subject was in order, Ty asked, “Does she have any pet peeves?”

“April Mae.”

“Excuse me?”

“That’s the girl my dad ran off with. April Mae. Lonnie had to wait until she graduated from high school before leaving us and that peeved Mom a whole lot. Idon’t think the guy you pick oughta mention her cuz Mom’ll have a thing or two to say on the subject. And none of it’ll be good.”

“I imagine.”

“Is that it? Are we finished?”

“Not quite.” Ty frowned, running a hand across his jawline. He didn’t like having the boy answer these questions. They’d already discussed some pretty intimate issues. Unfortunately, it was about to get a whole hell of a lot more intimate. “Now for the tough part.”

Hutch practically shot off the chair. “You’re kidding! You mean all those other questions were supposed to be easy?”

Ty offered a sympathetic smile. “’Fraid so. It gets a little more personal from here.”

“More personal? What else can they want to know? You mean” An expression of abject horror crept across Hutch’s face. “No way! That’s disgusting. My mom doesn’t do that sorta stuff.”

Ty buried his amusement. She had to have done it at one point or another since the evidence sat glaring straight at him. Not that he’d mention that small detail to Hutch. He was a smart kid. It would occur to him in time. “You know...this would be easier if we could get her input. You sure you can’t bring herhere for her birthday? We could ask all these questions and get a better sense—”

“No! She won’t do it if—” Hutch broke off, his face reddening.