“Thanks, but there’s another reason I bought Mom all those dates.”
That figured. “Go on.”
It took three more minutes of foot scuffing and throat clearing before Hutch managed to spit it out. “Mom’s planning on moving back to Georgia.”
Damn. “I hope you’re joking, kid.”
“I wish I was. You see, Mom’s aunt and uncle live there. They’re the ones who raised her. When she got married, they weren’t real happy about what she’d done. But now she wants to move back there so she can mend fences and put down roots. At least that’s what she said.”
Ty swore beneath his breath. He’d hoped to have time to slowly court Cassidy, to break down the barriers she’d spent so many years erecting. But it looked like their leisurely courtship was about to turn into a whirlwind romance. And unfortunately, it would take a hell of a lot more than sweet talk and kisses to persuade a certain wary divorcée to walk down the aisle with him. She wouldn’t be easily wooed back into the marriage bed, no doubt aboutthat.
“When’s she planning to move?” he demanded.
“As soon as she’s saved enough money to make the drive and completed one last goal she set for herself.”
“Goal? What goal?”
Hutch shrugged. “Never said. But I know it’s important.”
“Okay. Thanks for warning me. I’ll take care of it.”
“What are you going to do?”
Ty glanced toward the main house and sighed. “Why don’t you let me worry about that particular problem? Maybe I can offer her some incentive to stay put for a while.”
“Sure you don’t need my help?”
Ty managed to contain his response to a simple, unequivocal, “Positive.”
“I don’t know,” Hutch said morosely. “Once Mom’s made up her mind, it’s real tough to get her to change it. She can be pretty darned stubborn.”
“Yeah, well, Ican be pretty darned persuasive. In case you weren’t aware, gentle persuasion has moved many a stubborn mule.”
Hutch’s pale brows drew together. “What if that doesn’t work?”
“Then I’ll hog-tie her to a fence rail until she sees reason.”
And chances were good he’d have to do preciselythat.
Progress Report
I’m back online now and the experiments were a success. Ty did just what I hoped. You know, he’s okay. He’s kinda tough, but fair. Even when he found out what I’d done, he didn’t yell or anything. And he didn’t treat me like a kid, even though he keeps calling me that. He’s punishing me for lying, but that’s okay. Except for having to clean the cabin, the punishment is gonna be fun. Ialways wanted to be a cowboy, even if it’s only for a couple of weeks.
Oh! And I told him about Georgia. Boy, was he mad. But at least he knows. Maybe now he can stopher.
I don’t want to move to Georgia. Iwant to stay in Texas. Iwant to stay withTy.
The truth is...I want Ty to be mydad.
Chapter Six
Experiment #3:Living at Ty’s + Romantic Situations =Love
Goal:Ithink people fall in love faster when they hang around together a lot. Now, Mom won’t go for that. She’s really good at saying no! And Ty seems to want to take it slow for some stupid reason. So I’ll have to find ways to hurry them along if I’m gonna have a dad before I turn fifty!
Procedure:Get them in places where they’ll want to kiss. (Yuck!)
Ty confrontedCassidy across the generous expanse of his office. “The hell with gentle persuasion! Ishould have known it would never work with you,” he bellowed. So much for broaching this subject with delicacy and tact. “Now, what do you mean you’re moving to Georgia?”