Page 40 of Baby Daddy

Ty bit down on his tongue. Hard. “What about your mom’s car?”

“I disconnected the battery cables,” Hutch whispered.


“So you’d take us home with you. That way, you and Mom know.”

“Oh, Iknow all right. But you sure as hell shouldn’t.”

Ty thumbed his Stetson to the back of his head as he mulled over his options. He had half a mind to clue Cassidy in on the whole sad story. But the stress he’d seen lining her face gave him pause. If he told, pride would force her into a motel. Not only would it add to her financial burden, but damn it all. He’d only just gotten her here. He didn’t want her leaving. So, what the hell should hedo?

Hutch echoed Ty’s thoughts. “What are you going to do?”

“If I was smart, I’d tell your mother about all the stunts you’ve pulled.”

“Hey, Ty? Since you don’t mind that I’m smart, Idon’t mind if you aren’t,” Hutch offered generously.

Ty suppressed a laugh. Fixing a fierce scowl on his face, he said, “Don’t get cocky, kid. That’s three times you’ve hung me up with your lie. There better not be a fourth incident or you’ll live to regret it.”

“No, sir. There won’t be.” Hutch peeked up at him, for the first time looking far younger than his ten years. “Are you going to punish me?”

“There’ll be consequences, that’s for sure.” Maybe if he kept the boy busy, he wouldn’t have time for mischief. Doubtful, but it wouldn’t hurt to try. “First, get that cabin aired out. Then clean it from top to bottom. Edith will tell you where to find the supplies.”

“I’ll take care of it right away. Anything else?”

“Yeah. Just to make certain you don’t have the energy to come up with any more clever ideas, the next two weeks you’re going to learn all about wrangling. Lorenzo will be happy to teach you.”

Hutch grinned. “I can? Really?”

“Don’t get too excited. It’s hard work and long hours.”

The boy shrugged. “I’m used to that,” he said with heart-tugging sincerity. “I don’t mind.”

“Tell me that at the end of the two weeks and I might believe you. And finally, Iwant your word of honor that you’re through lying.”

“I am. I promise.”

“Not so fast.” Ty propped his size fifteen boot on the first step of the cabin and leaned down so he and Hutch were at eye level. “You take a minute to think about what I’m asking. Aman’s word might be all he has to offer someone. You don’t give it lightly. And once given, you stick to it, no matter how tough it might prove to be.”

Hutch stared solemnly through the glinting lenses of his glasses. “No fudging, huh?”


“Okay. Igive you my word. Iwon’t tell any more lies.”

“Fair enough.” Ty held out his hand, engulfing the boy’s in a man-to-man shake. To his surprise, Hutch didn’t rush off but stood shuffling his feet some more. “All right, kid, spill it,” he prompted with asigh.

“Well...” The boy adjusted his glasses for a moment before continuing. “Since we’re being so honest, Ithink there’s something you should know.”

Just great. One more lie to keep from Cassidy. “What’s that?” he asked warily.

“It’s about the reason I bought Mom those dates....”

Ty waited, not quite sure where this latest confession was headed.

“You see, Iwent to Miss Willie’s because I wanted to get myself a dad,” Hutch revealed in arush.

Okay, that wasn’t so bad. It merely confirmed what Ty had long suspected. “Yeah, Iguessed as much. Iwouldn’t consider that a lie, so don’t sweat it.”