Page 30 of Baby Daddy

She let him off the hook with a laugh. “It’s a relief to hear you say so. Iwas beginning to think the past twenty-four hours were normal for you.”

He grimaced. “Yeah, right. I’m always inundated by ten-year-old brainiacs who want me to date their mothers. My grandmother is constantly computer-generating my women while my housekeeper gives them her personal stamp of approval.” His mouth twisted to one side. “All they leave me to do is convince my date that she wouldn’t rather be anywhere except with me.”

If only that were true. “Not anywhere,” she allowed. “There’ve been one or two side benefits to dating you.” Including one brief instance when she’d been all too happy to curl up in hislap and let the world drift by while they shared some of the most exquisite kisses she’d ever experienced in her life. She forcibly buried the memory as deep as she could.

Apparently, it wasn’t deep enough. Ty easily read her mind. Ignoring the glass Edith had provided, he hefted the beer and saluted her. “Thank heaven for ripples,” he muttered, taking a long swallow directly from the bottle.

She gave him a cheeky grin. “You can say that again.”

His gaze took fire, though he answered prosaically enough. “Since this isn’t a normal first date, Ithought we’d go over the application Hutch filled out and make sure it’s right. Willie said she’d run it through the computer and see if there aren’t more matches.”

Cassidy choked on her tea. “More?”

“Three to half a dozen is typical. But for some reason the computer only came up with one for you.”

Gazing across the flower-dotted patio, she strove for a nonchalant shrug. “Guess I’m not an easy match.”


Startled, she glanced at him. “Why is that good?”

“I don’t feel like sharing.”

She straightened in her chair. Uh-oh. “Look, Ithought I made myself clear about this. Your kisses might knock my socks off, but I’m not interested in any sort of relationship. Not ever. Got it?”

“Not even for Hutch?”

Ice clinked as she returned her glass to the table with more haste than care. “That isn’t fair.”

“He wants a father.”

“He has one. He doesn’t need another.”

“Then why did he turn up on Willie’s doorstep?” Ty didn’t give her a chance to concoct an answer to that one. He shoved his chair away from the table. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ll get your application form and let Edith know we’re ready to eat.”

Cassidy scowled at his back as he strode across the patio. He must be aware that his leaving forced her to stew over his parting shot. Then why did he turn up on Willie’s doorstep? It was an excellent question. Did Hutch really want a father so badly? He’d never said so. Of course, buying those dates didn’t leave a lot of room for misinterpretation.

She nibbled on her lower lip. Why was he suddenly so anxious for a father? Was it something she’d done? Something she hadn’t done? She thought they were managing well enough. Sure, they had to watch their pennies. But she’d always assumed they shared the same goals. They both were after a home of their very own and a place to put down roots. She reached for the floral arrangement and fingered a velvety rose petal. Not to mention a place to grow her yellow roses.

But apparently her son wanted more. Alotmore.

The instant Ty returned, she asked, “Since you have all the answers, tell me why Hutch wants a father.” Her voice had a husky, defenseless quality she hated. Did he hear it? She couldn’t afford to betray any weaknesses. Not to him. Not when she was already so susceptible tohim.

“Most boys want a dad,” he replied, dropping a folder on a vacant chair. “Is that unreasonable?”

“Yes.” The word sounded whisper soft and gut-wrenchingly painful. Cassidy could sense him absorbing her reply. Sheexpected a pitying expression to creep into his eyes. To her surprise, he shrugged matter-of-factly.

“Not all men are like your ex. You should know that by now.”

She shivered. Not really. After Lonnie, she hadn’t allowed a man close enough to risk getting hurt again. Nor would she. She’d barely survived the five years of hell she’d called married life. If she gave her heart into another man’s keeping and he walked out onher...

“I won’t marry again,” she stated implacably.

Ty’s mouth tightened. “I know you want me to accept that as your final word on the subject.” He leaned across the table toward her, spearing her with those clear, soul-deep eyes. “But I won’t.”

It was that kiss. That damned kiss. She’d always been brutally honest with herself and this time was no different. She preferred facing facts squarely on, and the fact was she and Ty made for a combustive combination. From the minute he’d pulled her into his arms, she’d been lost to everything but his touch. In fact, she’d been so lost in a sexual haze, she’d even allowed him to slip his hand beneath her skirt, something she hadn’t done since... Just remembering brought a hot flush to her cheeks. Of course, he noticed.

To her eternal relief, Edith’s arrival prevented him from commenting. The housekeeper placed steaming hot plates piled high with green hickory-smoked ribs and pinto beans in front of them. How odd to be on the receiving end of a meal instead of the one servingit.