Page 157 of The Good Son

He kissed her forehead. “Notthis. Our situation.”

“Our limited time together?”

“Yes. I’m tired of waiting for Saturday night and hoping to get a few hours with you during the week.”

“The dating thing isn’t really working out for me, either.”

He turned onto his side and rose and rested on his elbow. “I want to go to bed with you every night. And wake up with you every morning. I want to eat breakfast and dinner with you and Finn. I’m tired of sleeping in this bed alone every night.”

Joey put a hand on his cheek. “Me too. All of that. I want it too.”

He smiled and kissed her. “So, what are we going to do about that?”

“On our second first date, we talked about the two options.”

“Right. And we both agreed…the second option was the best one, considering we have Finn.”

“Yes. The second option still works for me.”

J.T. grinned. “Second option it is.”

She looked at him for a moment. “We’re both talking about the same thing, right?”

“I believe so. Which means I need to ask you something.” He took a breath. “Joey—”

She put a hand over his mouth. “No.”


“I don’t mean no to the question. I mean no, don’t ask it like this.”

“Like what?”

“While we’re naked.”

J.T. laughed. “Okay.”

Joey sat and wrapped a blanket around her shoulders. “Someday when our kids ask how you proposed to me, I want to be able to tell them. If you did it now. Like this. We’d have to make something up.”

J.T. rolled onto his back and put an arm behind his head. “Alright. I get that. So you want a memorable proposal?”

“Just something that involves being dressed. But nothing cliché.”

“So no plane dragging a sign that says, ‘will you marry me?’”


“Okay. I’ll have to think about that.”

Joey put a hand on his chest. “Don’t think about it too long.”

“I won’t. I do have another question for you that doesn’t require clothing.”

“What’s that?”

“You’re fine moving into my new house, right? That’s kind of how I picture it.”

She smiled. “Of course. I love your new house.”