“Um…sounds like fun.”
“It’s not. But I might have to help Sage. And having another experienced rider would be nice. Finn can double up with one of us. He’d probably have a blast, actually.”
“Is it just overnight?”
“Yeah. Part of the summer horse camp program.”
“I’d love to help out. Doesn’t sound like your kind of thing, though.”
He sighed. “Having you guys there would help, though.”AHaHH
“You can count on us.”
When he finished eating, J.T. went into the bedroom to say goodbye to Finn, who had built a new fort next to his bed. He knelt next to Finn, who frowned.
“Are you coming back?”
“Maybe. But the storm is about over. So I might not see you for a couple of days.”
“When do I get to ride a horse again?”
“Soon. This week. I promise.”
“Okay.” He hugged J.T. “I want you to stay.”
“I can’t, Finn. But I need you to take care of your mom until the power comes back on.”
“She’s scared.”
“Yeah. A little.”
“I’ll take care of her.”
“Thank you.” J.T. stood. “I’ll see you soon.”
J.T. left the room and Joey met him at the door. “Thank you for staying last night.”
“No problem. Get those guys over here to fix the roof.”
“I will.”
He took her hand for a moment. “I don’t want to forget aboutit, either.”
She smiled. “I’m glad I came back.”
“I’m glad you did, too. We’re going to be fine.” He looked around the room. “You need to get this place up and running. And get out from under your father’s thumb.”
“That’s the plan.”
He opened the door. “I’ll see you soon.”
Chapter thirty
"Why does that keep happening?"
J.T. was busy on Monday and Tuesday dealing with the aftermath of the storm, but on Wednesday, he arranged to pick up Finn and take him to the ranch to ride a horse. It was good timing for Joey, because the Merrill brothers had come to check the roof and were scheduled to start making the repairs on Wednesday.