Page 53 of Damaged Hearts

“Hey, it’s okay,” I say as I touch his face calmingly, running my fingers along his beard. Maybe I’m manipulating him a bit. Sue me. A calm Xander is a rational man who doesn’t go off half-cocked in the name of protecting me. My touch calms him and distracts him. It’s the easiest way to keep him focused on the present and now. I love that he wants to keep me safe, but some situations are unavoidable.

Xander grips the back of my neck and tugs me to him, slamming his lips against mine in a frantic kiss, a kiss that has me wishing we were alone. I’m so desperate for his touch, feeling him close to me. God, we had sex right before Gillian got here and I already feel so needy for him.

It's not even necessarily the sex. Don't get me wrong. Sex with Xander is mindblowing and makes me feel like I'm losing my grip on reality, but it's the feelings he invokes when he makes love to me.

In those moments I know with all certainty that I'm his and he's mine. It's completely insane but it feels like fate in a crazy way. Me and him. Us. The picture burning a hole in my pocket is evidence to that fact.

We knew each other as kids and somehow, we found our way back to each other. Like I said, fate. Hell, maybe that's the hopeless romantic in me talking. Who the fuck knows?

"I'm going to the store," Gillian says awkwardly.

I quickly pull away from Xander, mortified that we've been so lost in each other that I didn't fully register her presence.

"Right now?" I press, confused.

"Duh. I need a couple things and you two need to get ready. I have no clue when that douchebag will be here." She grabs her purse and shoves her curls up into a beanie before fishing out a pair of designer sunglasses. "See you soon, grumpy cat."

I wish she would stop calling him that. It’s not what she calls him, but how she does it. It’s almost a sigh off a fawning lover’s lips, like she’s developing her own little crush on my man and he is mine. He’s made that crystal clear and my sister’s term of endearment is just serving to piss me the fuck off.

As soon as the door latches closed, Xander yanks me into his chest and takes my hair in his hand, his eyes dark with lust, his jaw ticking that way it does when he’s barely holding himself back from fucking me blind.

Holy shit. I love seeing that look on his face.

“She’s gone now, darling,” he rasps as he bends his head forward, biting at the hollow of my throat, soothing each mark with a soft kiss. Oh, my god. That feels so good.

“Xander, oh, my god.”

“You were worried about her hearing you scream. I need to make your legs shake and your throat sore.” He rips my yoga pants down my ass and pushes his big hand into my panties. His thumb teasingly circles my clit as he bites my breast through the thick material of my hoodie, his hot breath making my nipples pebble with need.

“What are you waiting for, Sunshine? I’m not getting any less fucked.”

He pulls back and flashes a sly grin up at me, a hint of mischief in his gaze. “I was starting to wonder where all that sass had gone."

I hadn't thought about it before, but all the anxiety and trauma from last night really messed with me. It didn't last for long though. Spending the graveyard hours talking to my sister and communicating my worries to Xander helped put my spirit back in alignment.

Dennis Davenport doesn't get to fucking win. Not by a long shot.

"What can I say? I'm a resilient woman," I tease as I pull him down for another kiss. I figure he'll have something else to say, but Xander just takes me in his arms and hurries me back to our room.

* * *

Xander wastedno time in stripping me and taking me into the shower to make love to my body, but he didn't stop there. He got me clean, including washing my hair with the pink shampoo Gillian provided, then dragged me out to the bed where he sucked on my clit like a damn lollipop.

Now, he has me in the reverse cowgirl position, riding his impressive erection, but he's limiting the pace, keeping it slow. About as slow as when he made love to me earlier. I loved it then. It's what I needed, but we're on a timeline. We need to be done before Gillian gets back. The orgasms are fucking incredible either way, but there's a time for each and Xander has bad timing with his desire for soft, loving sex.

"Xander," I groan, both irritated and ridiculously turned on.

"Yeah?" He grunts, his voice gruff.

"I need your dick so bad," I moan.

"Fuck. Are you sure, darling?" He grips my hips tight, slamming his cock so deep I swear he hits my diaphragm.

I screech with surprise at the move I was not expecting from him, but god, it feels so good. The mixture of pain and pleasure is an addictive cocktail I can't get enough of.

"What do you think, Sunshine? Fuck me already."

If there's one thing I've learned about Xander Davenport, it's that he doesn't disappoint.